Open Xcode and start a new tabbed app project. Give it a nice name. You can always use InstagramLikeApp. Update the organization identifier com.packtpublishing.swift4. Set the language to be Swift if it's something else. Then, pick a folder where the project should be saved. You can add a local Git repository to keep all changes under control.
The next step is to add a Podfile. You just have to open the Terminal window and write:
pod init
Then, you have to edit the new Podfile. We will start by adding the bare minimum to integrate Firebase:
pod 'Firebase/Core'
Then, we should call:
pod install
Don't forget to open the workspace file, where we will have the Pods project linked to the initial project.
In the future, we will list only the pod module that should be added to the Podfile. This means that you will update the Podfile, close Xcode...