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React and React Native

By : Adam Boduch
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React and React Native

By: Adam Boduch

Overview of this book

para 1: Dive into the world of React and create powerful applications with responsive and streamlined UIs! With React best practices for both Android and iOS, this book demonstrates React and React Native in action, helping you to create intuitive and engaging applications. Para 2: React and React Native allow you to build desktop, mobile and native applications for all major platforms. Combined with Flux and Relay, you?ll be able to create powerful and feature-complete applications from just one code base. Para 3: Discover how to build desktop and mobile applications using Facebook?s innovative UI libraries. You?ll also learn how to craft composable UIs using React, and then apply these concepts to building Native UIs using React Native. Finally, find out how you can create React applications which run on all major platforms, and leverage Relay for feature-complete and data-driven applications. Para 4: What?s Inside ? Craft composable UIs using React & build Native UIs using React Native ? Create React applications for major platforms ? Access APIs ? Leverage Relay for data-driven web & native mobile applications
Table of Contents (34 chapters)
React and React Native
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Navigation indicators

Earlier in the chapter, you were introduced to the <ActivityIndicator> component. In this section, you'll learn how it can be used when navigating an application that loads data. For example, the user navigates from page (scene) one to page two. However, page two needs to fetch data from the API to display for the user. So while this network call is happening, it makes more sense to display a progress indicator instead of a screen devoid of useful information.

Doing this is actually kind of tricky, because we have to make sure that the data required by the screen is fetched from the API each time the user navigates to the screen. So, we have two goals in mind here:

  • Have the Navigator component automatically fetch API data for the scene that's about to be rendered.

  • Use the promise that's returned by the API call as a means to display the spinner and hide it once the promise has resolved.

Since our scene components probably don't care about whether or not a spinner...