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Learning Ionic, Second Edition - Second Edition

By : Arvind Ravulavaru
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Learning Ionic, Second Edition - Second Edition

By: Arvind Ravulavaru

Overview of this book

Ionic makes it incredibly easy to build beautiful and interactive mobile apps using HTML5, SCSS, and Angular. Ionic also makes app development easier, faster, and more fun. This hands-on guide will help you understand the Ionic framework and how you can leverage it to create amazing real-time applications. We begin by covering the essential features of Angular 2, and then dive straight into how Ionic fits in today’s world of hybrid app development and give you a better understanding of the mobile hybrid architecture along the way. Further on, you will learn how to work with Ionic decorators, services, and components, which will allow you to build complex apps using the Ionic framework. We will take a look at theming Ionic apps using the built-in SCSS setup. After that, we will explore Ionic Native, and you will learn how to integrate device-specific features, such as notifications, with the Ionic app. To complete our learning, we will be building a Rider app, using Ionic and Uber API, to book a ride. Next, you will learn how to unit test, end-to-end test, monkey test, and execute device testing on AWS Device farm. Then, we will take a look at migrating the existing Ionic 1 apps to Ionic 2 and deploy them to the App Store. The final chapter on Ionic 3 wraps up this book by explaining the new features of Ionic 3 at the time of writing this book. By the end of this book, you will be able to develop, deploy, and manage hybrid mobile applications built with Cordova, Ionic, and Angular. All the examples in this book are valid for both Ionic 2 and Ionic 3.
Table of Contents (13 chapters)

Ionic components

In this section, we are going to go over a few of the Ionic components. These components include buttons, lists, cards, and forms. Ionic components automatically adapt to the iOS theme, or Material Design for Android or Windows theme based on the device they are running on. When we are working with Ionic components, we will see the output in all three platforms.

To proceed further, we create a new project for working with buttons. You can cd into the chapter3 folder and run the following command:

ionic start -a "Example 5" -i app.example.five example5 blank --v2 

Next, we serve the app in lab mode. Use, cd command to navigate into the example5 folder and run the following:

ionic serve --lab

This will serve the Ionic app in lab mode, which would look something like this:

With this view, we can see the output of all our components in all three platforms.
