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Android Design Patterns and Best Practice

By : Kyle Mew
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Android Design Patterns and Best Practice

By: Kyle Mew

Overview of this book

Are you an Android developer with some experience under your belt? Are you wondering how the experts create efficient and good-looking apps? Then your wait will end with this book! We will teach you about different Android development patterns that will enable you to write clean code and make your app stand out from the crowd. The book starts by introducing the Android development environment and exploring the support libraries. You will gradually explore the different design and layout patterns and get to know the best practices of how to use them together. Then you’ll then develop an application that will help you grasp activities, services, and broadcasts and their roles in Android development. Moving on, you will add user-detecting classes and APIs such as gesture detection, touch screen listeners, and sensors to your app. You will also learn to adapt your app to run on tablets and other devices and platforms, including Android Wear, auto, and TV. Finally, you will see how to connect your app to social media and explore deployment patterns as well as the best publishing and monetizing practices. The book will start by introducing the Android development environment and exploring the support libraries. You will gradually explore the different Design and layout patterns and learn the best practices on how to use them together. You will then develop an application that will help you grasp Activities, Services and Broadcasts and their roles in Android development. Moving on, you will add user detecting classes and APIs such as at gesture detection, touch screen listeners and sensors to our app. You will also learn to adapt your app to run on tablets and other devices and platforms, including Android Wear, Auto, and TV. Finally, you will learn to connect your app to social media and explore deployment patterns and best publishing and monetizing practices.
Table of Contents (20 chapters)
Android Design Patterns and Best Practice
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Having a large number of likes is a great way to drive traffic your way, but there is an economy of scale at work here that favors apps with very large numbers of downloads. Apps do not have to be huge to be successful, especially if they are providing a personal or local service, such as delivering custom-made sandwiches. In these cases, a label stating that only 12 people like something is not much of a recommendation. However, if those same people share how great their sandwich is with their friends, then we have a very powerful advertising tool at our disposal.

One of the main things that has made Facebook such a successful platform is its understanding that human beings are more interested and influenced by their friends than nameless strangers, and for small to medium enterprises, this can be invaluable. At its simplest we can simply add a share button, just as we did the like button, and this will open the share dialog. The ShareButton is as easy to add as the LikeView...