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Swift 3 New Features

By : Keith Elliott
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Swift 3 New Features

By: Keith Elliott

Overview of this book

Since Swift was introduced by Apple in WWDC 2015, it has gone on to become one of the most beloved languages to develop iOS applications with. In the new version, the Swift team aimed to take its adoption to the next level by making it available for new platforms and audiences. This book will very quickly get you up to speed and productive with Swift 3. You will begin by understanding the process of submitting new feature requests for future versions of Swift. Swift 3 allows you to develop and run your applications on a Linux machine. Using this feature, you will write your first Linux application using the debugger in Linux. Using Swift migrator, you will initiate a conversion from Swift 2.2 to Swift 3. Further on, you will learn how to interact with Cocoa libraries when importing Objective C to Swift. You will explore the function and operator changes new to Swift 3, followed by Collection and Closure changes. You will also see the changes in Swift 3 that allow you write tests easier with XCTest and debug your running code better with new formats as well. Finally, you will have a running server written completely in Swift on a Linux box. By the end of the book, you will know everything you need to know to dive into Swift 3 and build successful projects.
Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Swift 3 New Features
About the Author
About the Reviewer
Function and Operator Changes – New Ways to Get Things Done

How can you migrate your project…

When you open a Swift 2.2 project in Xcode 8 for the first time, you are given the option to migrate your project to either Swift 2.3 or Swift 3 in order to take advantage of the new SDKs. However, if for some you decide that now is not the right time to convert, you can always do so later. The Swift Migrator tool is accessible in Xcode 8 under the Edit | Convert | To Current Swift Syntax… menu.

You will need to convert your code if you want to use the new SDK's available for iOS 10, macOS 10.12, watchOS 3, or tvOS 10. You have two options for migrating your project listed below:

Option1 - Migrating to Swift 3

If you want to build against the latest Swift and use all of the new features of Xcode 8, then choose the migrate to Swift 3 option. The Migrator will modify your source files to adhere to the new Swift 3 syntax.

Option 2 - Migrating to Swift 2.3

If you just want to use the new SDKs and aren't ready or able to migrate to the latest version of Swift, then...