This chapter has shown you everything you need to know about implementing a simple Today Extension that shows a new inspirational quote to your users every day. You learned where users can find and use widgets on iOS and how they work. In addition, you learned how to use App Groups to share a UserDefaults
store between extensions and apps, which is similar to how you can share a Core Data store in an App Group.
As an exercise, try to change how often a new quote is shown to the user. For instance, try loading a new quote every couple of hours to keep the user entertained.
You also learned how to make sure your widget always has up-to-date data and how you can allow your user to expand a widget, so it can show even more information. As a side note, you also learned that you can adopt accessible and resizable text by using Apple's predefined text styles to improve your widget's accessibility.
In the next chapter, you will learn how to improve an app that you have worked on before...