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iOS 14 Programming for Beginners - Fifth Edition

By : Ahmad Sahar
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iOS 14 Programming for Beginners - Fifth Edition

By: Ahmad Sahar

Overview of this book

If you're looking to work and experiment with powerful iOS 14 features such as widgets and App Clips to create your own apps, this iOS programming guide is for you. The book offers a comprehensive introduction for experienced programmers who are new to iOS, taking you through the entire process of learning the Swift language, writing your own apps, and publishing them on the App Store. Fully updated to cover the new iOS 14 features, along with Xcode 12 and Swift 5.3, this fifth edition of iOS 14 Programming for Beginners starts with an introduction to the Swift programming language and shows you how to accomplish common programming tasks with it. You'll then start building the user interface (UI) of a complete real-world app using the storyboards feature in the latest version of Xcode and implement the code for views, view controllers, data managers, and other aspects of mobile apps. The book will also help you apply iOS 14 features to existing apps and introduce you to SwiftUI, a new way to build apps for all Apple devices. Finally, you’ll set up testers for your app and understand what you need to do to publish your app on the App Store. By the end of this book, you'll not only be well versed in writing and publishing applications, but you’ll also be able to apply your iOS development skills to enhance existing apps.
Table of Contents (31 chapters)
Section 1: Swift
Section 2:Design
Section 3:Code
Section 4:Features


In this chapter, you created a new class, RestaurantItem, that conforms to the MKAnnotation protocol. Next, you created MapDataManager, a data manager class that loads restaurant data from a .plist file and puts it into an array of RestaurantItem instances. You then created the DataManager protocol and refactored both the MapDataManager and ExploreDataManager classes to use this protocol. After that, you created the MapViewController class, a view controller for the Map screen, and configured it to display custom annotations. You also configured callout buttons in the custom annotations to present the Restaurant Detail screen. Next, you created the RestaurantDetailViewController class, a view controller for the Restaurant Detail screen, and passed data to it from the MapViewController instance. At this point, you know how to create objects that conform to the MKAnnotation protocol, how to add them to a map view, and how to create custom MKAnnotationViews, which allows you to...