The new pizzalist.json file contains several inconsistencies for our class: some fields are missing, while others have the wrong data type. These are common occurrences when dealing with data. It's a good idea to always "massage" your data so that it becomes compatible with your classes.
The first error we received after adding the new JSON file was a data type error; the second pizza object in the file contains a description key, with a number instead of a String:
"description": 0,
That's why we received Type Error: "Type int is not a subtype of type String", which basically means, "I was expecting a String, and I found an integer number. Not good."
Fortunately, it's possible to easily transform almost any type into a String by adding the toString() method to the data you want to transform. That's why modifying the instruction like so solves the issue:
this.description = json['description...