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SwiftUI Cookbook

By : Giordano Scalzo, Edgar Nzokwe
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SwiftUI Cookbook

By: Giordano Scalzo, Edgar Nzokwe

Overview of this book

SwiftUI is an innovative and simple way to build beautiful user interfaces (UIs) for all Apple platforms, right from iOS and macOS through to watchOS and tvOS, using the Swift programming language. In this recipe-based book, you’ll work with SwiftUI and explore a range of essential techniques and concepts that will help you through the development process. The recipes cover the foundations of SwiftUI as well as the new SwiftUI 2.0 features introduced in iOS 14. Other recipes will help you to make some of the new SwiftUI 2.0 components backward-compatible with iOS 13, such as the Map View or the Sign in with Apple View. The cookbook begins by explaining how to use basic SwiftUI components. Then, you’ll learn the core concepts of UI development such as Views, Controls, Lists, and ScrollViews using practical implementation in Swift. By learning drawings, built-in shapes, and adding animations and transitions, you’ll discover how to add useful features to the SwiftUI. When you’re ready, you’ll understand how to integrate SwiftUI with exciting new components in the Apple development ecosystem, such as Combine for managing events and Core Data for managing app data. Finally, you’ll write iOS, macOS, and watchOS apps while sharing the same SwiftUI codebase. By the end of this SwiftUI book, you'll have discovered a range of simple, direct solutions to common problems found in building SwiftUI apps.
Table of Contents (15 chapters)

Creating the macOS version of the iOS app

Our app's iOS version showed a list of insects in one view, and details regarding the selected insect in a separate view because of the limited amount of space available on a phone. However, a laptop screen has a larger amount of screen space. We can display the list of insects on the left side of the screen, and the details regarding the selected insect on the right side.

Getting ready

Download the chapter materials from GitHub:

Open the StartingPoint folder and double-click on Cross-Platform.xcodeproj to open the app built in the Creating an iOS app in SwiftUI recipe of this chapter. We will be continuing from where we left off in the first recipe.

How to do it

We'll create the macOS version of the app by reusing some components from the iOS version and creating custom...