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Core Data iOS Essentials

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Core Data iOS Essentials

Overview of this book

Core Data is the essential ingredient in data driven iOS apps. It's used for storing, retrieving, and manipulating application data in databases, XML, and binary formats. It's an essential component for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad apps.Core Data Essentials provides a clear, readable guide to the most useful aspects of Core Data. Built around a realistic example app, the book showcases the most important aspects of Core Data development in the context of a complete, functioning app written in Objective C.The book starts with a tour of how the app works. Then you'll see how to easily display data using the Table View. You'll learn how to develop an appropriate data model that fits the needs of your app, then implement that model as updatable data objects. You'll see how to update data and build relationships between objects and learn how Core Data can work with search, and how to provide your users with friendly data editing features.
Table of Contents (19 chapters)
Core Data iOS Essentials
About the Author
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In this chapter, we saw how to apply the concept of multiple managed object context to our application. We have also seen how to merge the information in different managed object contexts. Finally, we have learnt the core of this chapter: how to maintain the customer's information, that is, we saw step-by-step how to save, display, and delete the information of the customer. In the next chapter, we will see how to update (modify) the information of the customer that is already stored with us. We will also be using KVO (Key Value Observing) to know what attribute of the object is updated. Besides this, we will also see the application of NSPredicate, a complex and powerful tool to apply a search facility to locate the desired customer name quickly.