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ElasticSearch Cookbook

By : Alberto Paro
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ElasticSearch Cookbook

By: Alberto Paro

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (20 chapters)
ElasticSearch Cookbook Second Edition
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Using a range query/filter

Searching/filtering by range is a very common scenario in a real-world application. The following are a few standard cases:

  • Filtering by a numeric value range (such as price, size, age, and so on)

  • Filtering by date (for example, the events of 03/07/12 can be a range query, from 03/07/12 00:00:00 and 03/07/12 24:59:59)

  • Filtering by term range (for example, terms from A to D)

Getting ready

You need a working ElasticSearch cluster, an index named test (see Chapter 4, Basic Operations, to create an index named test), and basic knowledge of JSON.

How to do it...

In order to execute a range query/filter, perform the following steps:

  • Consider the previous example's data, which contains a position integer field. This can be used to execute a query in order to filter positions between 3 and 5, as follows:

    curl -XPOST '' -d '{
      "query": {
        "filtered": {
          "filter": {
            "range" : {
              "position" :...