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Mastering Active Directory

By : Dishan Francis
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Mastering Active Directory

By: Dishan Francis

Overview of this book

Active Directory is a centralized and standardized system that automates networked management of user data, security, and distributed resources and enables interoperation with other directories. If you are aware of Active Directory basics and want to gain expertise in it, this book is perfect for you. We will quickly go through the architecture and fundamentals of Active Directory and then dive deep into the core components, such as forests, domains, sites, trust relationships, OU, objects, attributes, DNS, and replication. We will then move on to AD schemas, global catalogs, LDAP, RODC, RMS, certificate authorities, group policies, and security best practices, which will help you gain a better understanding of objects and components and how they can be used effectively. We will also cover AD Domain Services and Federation Services for Windows Server 2016 and all their new features. Last but not least, you will learn how to manage your identity infrastructure for a hybrid-cloud setup. All this will help you design, plan, deploy, manage operations on, and troubleshoot your enterprise identity infrastructure in a secure, effective manner. Furthermore, I will guide you through automating administrative tasks using PowerShell cmdlets. Toward the end of the book, we will cover best practices and troubleshooting techniques that can be used to improve security and performance in an identity infrastructure.
Table of Contents (20 chapters)

Benefits of using Active Directory

A few years ago, I was working on an Active Directory restructuring project for a world-famous pharmaceutical company. According to the company policy, I had to travel to their headquarters to perform the project tasks. So, on a rare sunny English morning, I walked into the company's reception area. After I explained who I am and why I was there, the nice lady at the reception, Linda, handed me a set of forms to fill in. They asked for my personal details, such as name, phone number, how long I will be there, and in which department. Once I filled out the forms, I handed them over to Linda, and she had to make a few calls to verify whether my visit was expected and confirm my access to different buildings with the respective department managers. Then she made a card with my details and handed it over to me. She instructed me on how to use it and which buildings I was allowed into.

When you think about this process, you'll find that it contains the functions of a directory service:

  • The forms that Linda handed over to me contained certain questions to help her understand who the person was. They were predefined questions and I had to answer them in order to register my information in their system.
  • Once I submitted the forms, she didn't hand over the electronic card right away. She made calls to verify my identity and also confirm which buildings I would have access to. Then, my details were registered with the system, and it generated an electronic card that had my photo and a bar code. With that, I became a part of their system, and that particular card was my unique identity within their organization. There would be no other visitor with the same bar code and identification number at the same time.
  • If I needed to get access to buildings, I needed to tap the card at the entrance. Could I use my name or any other cards to get through? No! The locking system of the building doors only recognized me if I presented the correct card. So, having a unique identity in their system was not enough; I needed to present it in the correct way to get the required access.
  • I went to another building and tried to tap the card. Even when I used it correctly, the doors wouldn't open. The guard in the building asked for my card. Once I handed it over, he scanned it with a bar code reader and checked some information on his computer screen. Then he informed me that I was not allowed into that building and guided me to the correct building. This means that my information can be accessed from any building through their system to verify my identity and access permissions.
  • When I used the card in the correct buildings, it allowed me to step in. In the system, it first verified my identity and then checked whether I was authorized to work in that facility. If I was authorized, the system allowed access; if not, it rejected my request to enter.
  • When I entered and left the building, I did not have to record my time. But the managers in that department knew how many hours I had worked as my check-in and check-out times had been recorded in the system and they could review the information anytime.

This system acts as an authentication and authorization system. It uses different protocols and standards to manage and protect identities saved in a central database. This is the primary need of a directory service.

Every organization has its own organizational structure. The most common way is to group roles, assets, and responsibilities into different departments, such as sales, IT, production, and quality assurance. Apart from skills and knowledge, employers use company resources such as applications and hardware devices to achieve company goals. In order to use these resources efficiency, it's important to have some kind of access control in place. The resources should be available for the required users at the required time. This is very easy if all this data about users, applications, and resources is recorded in a central repository and uses authentication and authorization to manage resources. This is how the directory service was born. Different service providers have different directory services, for example, the Novell directory services, Oracle directory service, and Red Hat directory service. The Microsoft Active Directory service is the most commonly used directory service in modern enterprises.

In 1988, the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) developed industry standards for directory services, called X.500. This was the foundation for Microsoft Active Directory services. In X.500, the Directory Access Protocol (DAP) was defined, and many alternatives were made available to enable use with the TCP/IP networking stack. The most popular alternative was Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). The first version of it was released in 1993 with limited features. The University of Michigan released the first stand-alone LDAP daemon (slapd) server in 1995. The matured version of LDAP, LDAPv3, was released in 1997, and most vendors, including Microsoft, started developing directory services based on LDAP. Microsoft released it first Active Directory version with Windows 2000.

Centralized data repository

Active Directory stores the identity information of users, applications, and resources in a multi-master database. This database is a file called ntds.dit. This database is based on Joint Engine Technology (JET) database engine. The data in this database can be modified using any alternative domain controller. The Active Directory database can store some 2 billion objects. Users can use the identity data stored in Active Directory from anywhere in the network in order to access resources. Administrators can manage authentication and authorization of the organizational identities from a centralized location. Without directory services, identities would be duplicated across different systems and add administrative overhead to manage.

Replication of data

There are organizations that use a single domain controller. But when it comes to complex business requirements such as branch offices, redundancy, it is required that they have multiple domain controllers (we are going to look at domain controller placement later in a different chapter). If the identities are managed from a centralized system, it's important that each domain controller be aware of the changes that have been made to the Active Directory database. Say, user Jane in the sales department forgets her password and requests the IT department to reset it. In 30 minutes' time, she's going to be working from a branch office located in a different city. The IT administrator resets her password from the headquarter's domain controller, DC01. In order to have a successful login from the branch office, this change to the directory needs to be replicated over to the domain controller in the branch office, DC05. Microsoft Active Directory has two types of replications. If a domain controller advertises the changes made on that particular domain controller to neighboring domain controllers, it is called outbound replication. If a domain controller accepts changes advertised by neighboring domain controllers, it called inbound replication. The replication connections (from who and to whom) and replication schedule can be modified based on the business requirements.

High availability

High availability is important for any business-critical system in an organization. This is applicable to domain controllers too. On other systems, in order to implement high availability, we need to make software or hardware changes. With built-in fault-tolerance capabilities, Active Directory domain controllers do not need additional changes. A multi-master database and replication of domain controllers allow users to continue with authentication and authorization from any available domain controller at any time.


Data and identity security are very important in modern businesses. We are living in a world where identity is the new perimeter. A significant portion of this book is focused on how to use Active Directory features to secure your identity infrastructures from emerging threats. Active Directory allows you to use different authentication types, group policies, and workflows to protect the resources in your network. Even applications benefit from these technologies and methodologies to secure the identities used within applications. This helps administrators build different security rules based on departments and groups in order to protect data and workloads. It also forces individuals to follow organizational data- and network-security standards.

Auditing capabilities

Setting up advanced security policies will not be enough to protect your identity infrastructure. Periodic audits will help you understand new security threats. Active Directory allows you to capture and audit events occurring in your identity infrastructure. They can be related to user authentication, directory service modifications, or access violation. It also helps you collect data from a centralized location, which will help you troubleshoot authentication and authorization issues users may have.

Single sign-on

In an organization, there are different applications in use. Each of these applications has a different authentication mechanism. It will be difficult to maintain different user credentials to authenticate on different applications. Most application vendors now support integration with Active Directory for authentication. This means that with Active Directory credentials, you can authenticate on different systems and applications used by your organization. You will not need to keep typing your credentials to get access. Once you authenticate on a computer, the same session will be used to authenticate other Active Directory integrated applications.

Schema modification

Any kind of database has its own structure, called schema. This is also applicable to an Active Directory database. This schema describes all objects in Active Directory. By knowing the schema, you can modify or extend it. This is important for the development of Active Directory integrated applications. Microsoft publishes Active Directory Service Interfaces (ADSI) with a set of COM interfaces, and it can be used to access Active Directory service features from different network providers. Application developers can use it to develop their application to be Active Directory-integrated and publish it to the directory. Users can search for the service through Active Directory, and applications can access Active Directory objects as required.

Querying and indexing

By maintaining a central data repository, Active Directory also allows users and applications to query objects and retrieve accurate data. If I need to find user John's account, I do not need to know which branch he is in or what department he belongs to. With a simple Active Directory query, I will be provided with information about the user account. In a manner similar to when we add a new object to the directory, objects will publish its attributes and make it available for users and applications for queries.

These are some of the main capabilities of the Active Directory service, and these features will be explained in detail in later chapters, including how to plan, implement, and maintain them within your identity infrastructure.