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Overview of this book

Table of Contents (17 chapters)
Learning Puppet
About the Author
About the Reviewers

The defined type

The defined type is a user-defined Puppet resource type that works in a very similar manner as the parameterized class with exception that it can be called multiple times. Continuing with our bicycle example, if we would create a defined type called bicycle, we could use it to order more than one type of bicycle at the time. In other words, you can order a unicycle and a tricycle in one go. But if you're using a class bicycle, I can only order a unicycle for you or tricycle for me.

Calling the defined type

The defined type is referenced with the exactly the same syntax as when referencing Puppet built-in resource types such as the exec, file, or the user resource.

To reference the defined type called bicycle, we'd do it in the following way:

bicycle { 'unicycle':
    wheels => '1';

As you can see, the syntax is almost identical to the bicycle class reference. The only difference is that here we don't begin the definition with a class key word because we are not referencing...