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By : Andre Bogus
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By: Andre Bogus

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (20 chapters)
About the Author
About the Reviewer
HTTP Status Codes

Tracking Users

Many sites use unique cookies to track users. There are two use cases for them: first, we may want to know how the users access our site "clickstream", second, we could have a web application that uses the cookies as a key into an internal session table.


Never use cookies as a single session key

If we use cookies as session keys, we should always add a check for the client IP address before permitting session access. Otherwise, our site could allow session-stealing attacks, even if the cookies are hard to guess.

The idiom is so common that Lighttpd has grown a module to do it.The mod_usertrack module does nothing but set a cookie so that we can track the users through multiple connections. A sample mod_usertrack configuration snippet is here:

server.modules += ("mod_usertrack")
usertrack.cookie-domain = ""
usertrack.cookie-max-age = 3600 # make the cookie last an hour
usertrack.cookie-name = "ourid"

This sets the cookie-domain to our domain, makes the cookies...