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OpenLayers 3: Beginner's Guide

By : Thomas Gratier, Paul Spencer, Erik Hazzard
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OpenLayers 3: Beginner's Guide

By: Thomas Gratier, Paul Spencer, Erik Hazzard

Overview of this book

<p>This book is a practical, hands-on guide that provides you with all the information you need to get started with mapping using the OpenLayers 3 library.</p> <p>The book starts off by showing you how to create a simple map. Through the course of the book, we will review each component needed to make a map in OpenLayers 3, and you will end up with a full-fledged web map application. You will learn the key role of each OpenLayers 3 component in making a map, and important mapping principles such as projections and layers. You will create your own data files and connect to backend servers for mapping. A key part of this book will also be dedicated to building a mapping application for mobile devices and its specific components.</p>
Table of Contents (22 chapters)
OpenLayers 3 Beginner's Guide
About the Authors
About the Reviewers

Time for action – creating your first map

Let's dive into OpenLayers and make a map! After you finish this section, you should have a working map, which uses a publicly available OSM server backend from the project. Execute the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the assets directory, create a folder css, and create a new file called samples.css. Add the following code:

    map {
      height: 500px;
      width: 100%;
      background-color: #b5d0d0;
  2. Add the following code to a new file called hello_openstreetmap.html and save the file in the sandbox directory. If you are using Windows, we suggest using Notepad++ in particular because you need to be sure you're editing UTF-8 encoded files. On Linux, you can use Gedit or Geany and for Mac OSX, you can use Text Wrangler (free but not open source). Do not try to edit the file in a program such as Microsoft Word, as it will not save properly. The following code will also be used as the base template code for many future examples in this book, so we'll be using it often and coming back to it a lot:

    <!doctype html>
        <title> Hello OpenStreetMap </title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="../assets/ol3/css/ol.css" type="text/css" />
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="../assets/css/samples.css" type="text/css" />
        <div id="map" class="map"></div>
    <script src="../assets/ol3/js/ol.js">
            var osmLayer = new ol.layer.Tile({
              source: new ol.source.OSM()
           var birmingham = ol.proj.transform([-1.81185, 52.44314], 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857');
           var view = new ol.View({
              center: birmingham,
              zoom: 6
            var map = new ol.Map({
              target: 'map'
  3. Open hello_openstreetmap.html in your web browser. It can be hosted on a server or opened as a file. You should see something similar to the screenshot that follows:

What just happened?

We just created our first map using OpenLayers! If it did not work for you for some reason, try double-checking the code and making sure all the commas and parentheses are in place. You can also open the browser debugger and look for JavaScript errors within the console. If you don't know what a console is, don't worry, we will see it soon. You can also refer to the Preface where a link to code samples used in the book is given. By default, we're given a few controls if we don't specify any. We will use the file we created as a template for many examples throughout the book, so save a copy of it so you can easily refer to it later.

The control on the left side (the navigation buttons) is called the Zoom control, which is a ol.control.Zoom object. You can click the buttons to navigate around the map, drag the map with your mouse, use the scroll wheel to zoom in, or use your keyboard's arrow keys. ol.control.Attribution is added by default. It will be populated if a layer (such as OSM) has attribution info available. This control is on the bottom right corner and gives the credits for the data you're using such as license and data producer.

We'll cover controls in greater detail in Chapter 9, Taking Control of Controls.

Now, let's take a look at the code, line by line.

  • Lines 1 to 7: It sets up the HTML page. Every HTML page needs an <html> and <head> tag, and the extraneous code you see specifies various settings that inform your browser that this is an HTML5 compliant page. For example, we include the DOCTYPE declaration in line 1 to specify that the page conforms to standards set by the WC3. We also specify a <title> tag, which contains the title that will be displayed on the page. We also add a css stylesheet content to display correctly the zoom and attribution controls, and set the future map size to a height of 500px and a width of 100% (the width will always be at the max width depending on the browser window).

    This is the structure that all our code examples will follow, so this basic code template will be implicitly assumed in all examples that follow throughout the book.

  • Lines 8 and 9:

    <div id="map" class="map"></div>

    To make an OpenLayers map, we need an HTML element where the map will be displayed in. Almost always, this element will be a div. You can give it whatever ID you would like, and the ID of this HTML element is passed into the call to create the map object. You can style the <div> tag however you would like—setting the width and height to be 100 percent, for instance, if you want a full page map. We choose a class for this, also called map.

  • Line 10:

    <script src="../assets/ol3/js/ol.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

    This includes the OpenLayers library. The location of the file is specified by the src='../assets/ol3/js/ol.js' attribute. Here, we're using a relative path. As the hello_openstreetmap.html page is within the sandbox at the same level as the assets, we need to go outside the sandbox directory and then set the path to ol.js file . The file could either be on your computer, or another computer. Browsers can load it on any computer thanks to the relative path.

    We can also use an absolute path, which means we pass in a URL where the script is located at. hosts the script file as well; we could use the following line of code to link to the library file directly:

    <script src='></script>

    Notice how the src specifies an actual URL which is an absolute path at line 5. Either way works, however, throughout the book we'll assume that you are using a relative path and have the OpenLayers library on your own computer/server. If you use the hosted OpenLayers library, you cannot be sure that it will always be available, so using a local copy is recommended.

    Be aware that when browsers load a page, they load it from top to bottom. To use any DOM (Document Object Model) elements (any HTML element on your page) in JavaScript, they first have to be loaded by the browser. So, you cannot reference HTML with JavaScript before the browser sees the element. It'd be similar to trying to access a variable that hasn't yet been created. Because of this behavior, don't forget to call your JavaScript content after the <div id="map" class="map"></div>.

  • Line 11: This starts a <script> block. We'll set up all our code inside it to create our map. Since the OpenLayers library has been included in line 13, we are able to use all the classes and functions the library contains.

  • Lines 12 to 14:

      var osmLayer = new ol.layer.Tile({
      source: new ol.source.OSM()

    In the previous three lines of code, we created a global variable called osmLayer. In JavaScript, any time we create a variable we need to place var in front of it to ensure that we don't run into scope issues (what functions can access which variables). When accessing a variable, you do not need to put var in front of it.

    Since we are defining osmLayer as a variable at the global level (outside of any functions), we can access it anywhere in our code. We declare the osmLayer as an ol.layer.Tile object. It means we use an ol.layer.Tile class for creating the variable layerOsm.

    The object created is also referred to as an instance of the ol.layer.Tile class. We'll talk about what this means later in the Appendix A, Object-oriented Programming – Introduction and Concepts.

    Now, let's look at the right hand side of the equal sign (=): new keyword means that we are creating a new object from the class that follows it. ol.layer.Tile is the class name which we are creating an object from. Notice that something is inside the parenthesis: {source: new ol.source.OSM()}. This means we are passing one thing into the class (called an argument). Every class in OpenLayers expects different arguments to be passed into it, and some classes don't expect anything.

    The ol.layer.Tile class expects one parameter following the API doc reference. Take a look at: The {source: new ol.source.OSM()} is the layer options, consisting of key:value pairs (for example, {key:value} ). This is also called JavaScript Object Literal Notation, a way to create objects on the fly.


    JavaScript object literal notation

    In OpenLayers, we often pass in anonymous objects to classes . In JavaScript, anonymous objects are commas separated key:value pairs, and are set up in the format of {key1:value1, key2:value2}. They are, basically, objects that are created without deriving from a class. This format is also referred to as object literal notation.

    When we say key1:value1, it's similar to saying key1 = value1, but we use a colon instead of an equals sign. We can also affect to a variable an object and reuse this variable instead of creating it on the line, for example:

    var layer_parameters = {source: new ol.source.OSM()};
    var osmLayer = new ol.layer.Tile(layer_parameters);

    So, the option source new ol.source.OSM() is the way to tell the characteristic of the tiles we want to retrieve such as the URL or the default attribution text, whereas ol.layer.Tile is the way to say how you ask the map image, not where it comes from.

    The type of ol.source can be any from a multitude of different services, but we are using OSM here as a source. OSM (OpenStreetMap), is a crowdsourcing project focusing on creating open source map data. The main visible part of the project is the OSM world map we are using.

    The arguments, like the source we can pass in for layers, are dependent on the layer class—we cover layers in detail in Chapter 3, Charting the Map Class. If you don't want to wait, you can also check out the documentation at to see what arguments different layers of classes expect.

  • Line 15:

    var birmingham = ol.proj.transform([-1.81185 52.44314], 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857');

    In this line of code, we take coordinates from a place, Birmingham in the UK, and we use a custom function that transforms [longitude, latitude] to the projected coordinate the map will expect in the view.

  • Lines 16 to 19:

    var view = new ol.View({ center: birmingham zoom: 6 });

    In the preceding four lines of code, we are defining a view from class ol.View. It's to use a view. Until now, we have defined what we will see, but with the view, we will define from where we are seeing it. Think of view as equivalent to a shot you might see in a cinema and where the cameraman chooses to see actors with more or less light, from far away or near, from below or above. Maps are usually 2D objects but because of new capabilities in the library, you can also have a tilted 2D view. We will not cover it because it requires advanced knowledge.

    We have two options here in the JavaScript object: center and zoom.

    The first one sets the center of the map with coordinates. These are not using latitude and longitude coordinates but Spherical Mercator coordinates, a common web mapping standard projection. We will explain this topic in Chapter 7, Wrapping Our Heads Around Projections.

    The zoom is a way to set the level of details you get on the map when you open the web page. Change this value to understand better. The value for using the OSM layer can be between 0 and 18. The more you increase the value, the more you zoom in. If you set the value to 20, you will see that the image is always of the level 18 but the library resizes the image itself and and the image quality will be reduced.


    Since this is the last thing passed into the ol.View object creation call, make sure there is not a trailing comma. Trailing commas are a common error and are often tedious to debug.

  • Lines 20 to 22:

    var map = new ol.Map({ target: 'map' });

    We previously created a layer in order to add it to a map but this map was not already created. We have done it using the ol.Map class. The map object is the crux of our OpenLayers application— we call its functions to tell the view bound to the map to zoom to areas, fire off events, keep track of layers, and so on.

    The ol.Map class expects a JavaScript object parameter. Within this object, we use one object parameter: target. You can provide another parameter renderer to choose the way the image will be displayed in the browser. It can be, DOM, Canvas, or WebGL. Don't worry about these terms, we will explain what they cover. This is not a mandatory option but we'd prefer to tell you already to be aware of this. You will learn more about this in Chapter 2, Key Concepts in OpenLayers.

    The other object parameter is target. Its purpose is to set where you will attach your map in the HTML. It refers to the id of an HTML element available in your web page.

    Notice, we don't include everything on one line when creating our map object—this improves readability, making it easier to see what we pass in. The only difference is that we are also adding a new line after the comma separating arguments, which doesn't affect the code (but does make it easier to read).

  • Line 23:


    Now that we have created both the map and layer, we can add the layer to the map. In OpenLayers, every map needs to have at least one layer. The layer points to the backend, or the server side map server, as we discussed earlier.

    Notice, we are calling a function of the map object. There are actually a few ways to go about adding a layer to a map object. We can use the previous code (by calling map.addLayer), where we pass in an individual layer but we can also add the layers when instantiating the ol.Map with something such as the following:

    var map = new ol.Map({ target: 'map',
      layers: [osmLayer]

    In this second case, you have to create your layer before the map. Most official examples use the second syntax but for learning purposes, we thought it would be better to separate map instantiation from layers addition.

  • Line 24:


    This line enables you to set the view to render the image and display it at the right place you defined previously in the ol.View instance, the view variable.

  • Lines 25 to 27:


    These lines close the JavaScript block and the remaining HTML blocks.

    After reviewing this first example, if the concept of object-oriented programming is unfamiliar to you, we recommend that you take some time to explore this topic. While you don't necessarily need to know OOP concepts thoroughly to use this book, understanding keywords such as class, properties, abstract class, methods, instance, constructor, or inheritance should ring a bell in your mind. If not, we advise you to visit the Appendix A, Object-oriented Programming – Introduction and Concepts.

    Now, let's introduce you to the main resources for getting the most important information about OpenLayers and its ecosystem.