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Qt5 C++ GUI Programming Cookbook

By : Eng
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Qt5 C++ GUI Programming Cookbook

By: Eng

Overview of this book

With the advancement of computer technology, the software market is exploding with tons of software choices for the user, making their expectations higher in terms of functionality and the look and feel of the application. Therefore, improving the visual quality of your application is vital in order to overcome the market competition and stand out from the crowd. This book will teach you how to develop functional and appealing software using Qt5 through multiple projects that are interesting and fun. This book covers a variety of topics such as look-and-feel customization, GUI animation, graphics rendering, implementing Google Maps, and more. You will learn tons of useful information, and enjoy the process of working on the creative projects provided in this book
Table of Contents (11 chapters)

Calling C++ functions from JavaScript

In this recipe, we will learn how put our knowledge to use and create a functional login screen using Qt and MySQL.

How to do it…

Learn how to call C++ functions from JavaScript through the following steps:

  1. First, create a Qt Widgets Application project and, once you're done, open up the project file (.pro) and add the following modules to the project:

    QT += core gui webengine webenginewidgets
  2. Then, open up mainwindow.ui and delete the tool bar, menu bar, and status bar, as we don't need any of these in this example program.

  3. After that, add a vertical layout to the canvas, and then select the canvas and click on the Lay Out Vertically button on top of the canvas. Then, add a text label to the top of the vertical layout and set its text to Hello!. Also, make its font bigger by setting its stylesheet property:

    font: 75 26pt "MS Shell Dlg 2";
  4. Next, go to File | New File or Project and create a resource file. Then, add an empty HTML file and all the JavaScript...