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By : Grzejszczak
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By: Grzejszczak

Overview of this book

This is a focused guide with lots of practical recipes with presentations of business issues and presentation of the whole test of the system. This book shows the use of Mockito's popular unit testing frameworks such as JUnit, PowerMock, TestNG, and so on. If you are a software developer with no testing experience (especially with Mockito) and you want to start using Mockito in the most efficient way then this book is for you. This book assumes that you have a good knowledge level and understanding of Java-based unit testing frameworks.
Table of Contents (17 chapters)
Mockito Cookbook
About the Author
About the Reviewers

Creating spies in code

In the following recipe, we will learn how to create a spy using Mockito code only (without annotations). As a reminder, you should have very legitimate reasons to use a spy in your code, otherwise it most likely signifies that there is something wrong with your code's design.

Getting ready

Our system under test for this recipe will be TaxFactorProcessor, which interacts with TaxService. Let's assume that the latter is part of some legacy system that, for the time being, you don't want to refactor. Also assume that TaxService does two things. First, it performs calculations of a tax factor, and second it sends a request via a web service to update tax data for a given person. If the person's country is not specified explicitly (and by default it's not in our examples), then a default tax factor value is returned from TaxService. In a proper code base, one should separate these two functionalities (calculation and data update) into separate classes, but for the sake of...