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By : Jerome Jaglale, Yilmaz
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By: Jerome Jaglale, Yilmaz

Overview of this book

This book is for you if you have some experience with Java and web development (not necessarily in Java) and want to become proficient quickly with Spring.
Table of Contents (14 chapters)

Creating a Spring AOP aspect class

In this recipe, we will create an aspect class and configure Spring to use it. We will use this aspect class and its configuration code in the following recipes.

How to do it…

Here are the steps for creating an aspect class:

  1. Add the the AspectJ Weaver Maven dependency in pom.xml:
  2. Create a Java package for the aspects of your application. For example, com.springcookbook.aspect.
  3. In your aspects package, create a class annotated with @Component and @Aspect:
    public class Aspect1 {
  4. In the Spring configuration, add @EnableAspectJAutoProxy and your aspects package to @ComponentScan:
    @ComponentScan(basePackages = {"com.spring_cookbook.controllers", "com.spring_cookbook.aspect"})
    public class AppConfig {
    ...  ...