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DART Essentials

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DART Essentials

Overview of this book

Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Dart Essentials
About the Author
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The documentation search app

We're going to write an app that can search among many terms and show some simple detail for each of them. The search input field will have an autocomplete feature with a list of all the terms that match our search string.

Particularly, we'll use the documentation for PHP with 9,047 functions and write a fuzzy search algorithm that will search in it.

Fuzzy search is used in IDEs such as PHPStorm or PyCharm and also in the popular text editor Sublime Text. It doesn't search just for the strings that start with your search term but it checks whether the order of characters in your term and in the checked string is the same. For example, if you type docfrg, it will find DocumentFragment because the letters in DocumentFragment are in the same order as docfrg.

This is very handy because when there are a lot of functions with the same prefix, you can start typing with just the first character and then jump to the middle of the word and it's very likely that there won...