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DART Essentials

By : Sikora
Book Image

DART Essentials

By: Sikora

Overview of this book

This book is targeted at expert programmers in JavaScript who want to learn Dart quickly. Some previous experience with OOP programming in other languages and a good knowledge of JavaScript are assumed.
Table of Contents (11 chapters)

Installing AngularDart

Just like polymer.dart, the simplest way to install AngularDart is by adding it to your pubspec.yaml file:

name: todo_list
version: 0.0.1
description: My first AngularDart app
  angular: 1.1.0
  browser: any
  web_components: any
- angular

Note that we had to add angular to the transformers directive as well. This tells the pub tool that there are some extra tasks defined in AngularDart libraries. Even if you're used to adding dependencies in Dart Editor's GUI, you still have to add the transformer yourself.


AngularDart reached version 1.1.0 and is still in development. All examples in this chapter are using this version.