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TypeScript Design Patterns

By : Vane
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TypeScript Design Patterns

By: Vane

Overview of this book

In programming, there are several problems that occur frequently. To solve these problems, there are various repeatable solutions that are known as design patterns. Design patterns are a great way to improve the efficiency of your programs and improve your productivity. This book is a collection of the most important patterns you need to improve your applications’ performance and your productivity. The journey starts by explaining the current challenges when designing and developing an application and how you can solve these challenges by applying the correct design pattern and best practices. Each pattern is accompanied with rich examples that demonstrate the power of patterns for a range of tasks, from building an application to code testing. We’ll introduce low-level programming concepts to help you write TypeScript code, as well as work with software architecture, best practices, and design aspects.
Table of Contents (10 chapters)

What this book covers

Chapter 1Tools and Frameworks, provides a brief introduction to tools and frameworks that will be used through this book, including installing a TypeScript compiler, preparing an editor, and a basic workflow.

Chapter 2The Challenge of Increasing Complexity, starts with a simple server-client synchronizing implementation; we then expand its features and see how things can gain undesired complexity and how that complexity can be reduced.

Chapter 3Creational Design Patterns, catalogs five common creational design patterns, the Factory Method, Abstract Factory, Builder, Prototype, and Singleton patterns.

Chapter 4Structural Design Patterns, catalogs seven common structural design patterns, the Composite, Decorator, Adapter, Bridge, Façade, Flyweight, and Proxy patterns.

Chapter 5Behavioral Design Patterns, catalogs five common behavioral design patterns, the Chain of Responsibility, Command, Memento, Iterator, and Mediator patterns.

Chapter 6Behavioral Design Patterns: Continuous, catalogs another four common behavioral design patterns, the Strategy, State, Template Method, Observer, and Visitor patterns.

Chapter 7Patterns and Architectures in JavaScript and TypeScript, takes a look at the patterns and architectures that closely relate to the language (JavaScript or TypeScript) and its application, including asynchronous programming, module organization, error handling, permission abstraction, and so on.

Chapter 8SOLID Principles, explains the well-known SOLID principles and how they can benefit a project and keep it healthy over time.

Chapter 9The Road to Enterprise Application, guides readers to build the complete workflow of an application that is ready to scale, including testing and continuous integration.