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Programming ArcGIS with Python Cookbook, Second Edition

By : Donald Eric Pimpler, Eric Pimpler
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Programming ArcGIS with Python Cookbook, Second Edition

By: Donald Eric Pimpler, Eric Pimpler

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Table of Contents (22 chapters)
Programming ArcGIS with Python Cookbook Second Edition
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Inserting rows with InsertCursor

You can insert a row into a table or feature class using an InsertCursor object. If you want to insert attribute values along with the new row, you'll need to supply the values in the order found in the attribute table.

Getting ready

The InsertCursor() function is used to create an InsertCursor object that allows you to programmatically add new records to feature classes and tables. The insertRow() method on the InsertCursor object adds the row. A row in the form of a list or tuple is passed into the insertRow() method. The values in the list must correspond to the field values defined when the InsertCursor object was created. Similar to instances that include other types of cursors, you can also limit the field names returned using the second parameter of the method. This function supports geometry tokens as well.

The following code example illustrates how you can use InsertCursor to insert new rows into a feature class. Here, we insert two new wildfire points...