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Node.js Design Patterns - Second Edition

By : Joel Purra, Luciano Mammino, Mario Casciaro
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Node.js Design Patterns - Second Edition

By: Joel Purra, Luciano Mammino, Mario Casciaro

Overview of this book

Node.js is a massively popular software platform that lets you use JavaScript to easily create scalable server-side applications. It allows you to create efficient code, enabling a more sustainable way of writing software made of only one language across the full stack, along with extreme levels of reusability, pragmatism, simplicity, and collaboration. Node.js is revolutionizing the web and the way people and companies create their software. In this book, we will take you on a journey across various ideas and components, and the challenges you would commonly encounter while designing and developing software using the Node.js platform. You will also discover the "Node.js way" of dealing with design and coding decisions. The book kicks off by exploring the basics of Node.js describing it's asynchronous single-threaded architecture and the main design patterns. It then shows you how to master the asynchronous control flow patterns,and the stream component and it culminates into a detailed list of Node.js implementations of the most common design patterns as well as some specific design patterns that are exclusive to the Node.js world.Lastly, it dives into more advanced concepts such as Universal Javascript, and scalability' and it's meant to conclude the journey by giving the reader all the necessary concepts to be able to build an enterprise grade application using Node.js.
Table of Contents (20 chapters)
Node.js Design Patterns - Second Edition
About the Authors
About the Author
About the Reviewers


At the beginning of this chapter, we said that Node.js programming can be tough because of its asynchronous nature, especially for people used to developing on other platforms. However, throughout this chapter we showed how asynchronous APIs can be bent to our will, starting with plain JavaScript, which provided us the foundation for the analysis of more sophisticated techniques. We then saw that the tools at our disposal are indeed variegated and provide good solutions to most of our problems, in addition to offering a programming style for every taste; for example, we may choose async to simplify the most common flows.

This chapter served as an introduction to more advanced techniques, such as promises and generators, that will be the main focus of the next chapter. When you know all these techniques, you will be able to choose the best solution for your needs or use many of them together in the same project.