About the Reviewers
Antonio Gomes Rodrigues has worked with high-traffic websites, traders applications, Cloud applications, and so on. He has experience of working with many performance tools, such as JProfiler, Yourkit, VisualVM, Dynatrace, AppDynamics, Introscope, NewRelic, JMeter, LoadRunner, and so on. To put in place, he has worked on performance strategies, load testing, training, troubleshooting, and so on. He shares his knowledge in his French blog (http://arodrigues.developpez.com/), conferences, and book reviews.
Bradley Symons graduated with a BSc (Hons) degree in Computer Science and has gained the Oracle Java Professional Programmer certification. His current occupation is as a Java server-side developer, but he has previously worked with a variety of languages, including Ruby and Python. With over a decade of coding experience, he has worked for a variety of business sectors, including AI, Finance, Travel, and Entertainment. He is highly interested in Spring, AOP, and concurrency. Currently, he is learning Cuba among other recent developments within the Java world. He is well-regarded as an avid follower of coding best practices, refactoring patterns, and TDD. He personally expresses his admiration for the technical contributions from the legendary Martin Fowler.
Tagir Valeev, PhD, is a research assistant in A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems, Novosibirsk, Russia, and a lead developer in Development Group Ltd., Novosibirsk, Russia. He is a Java programming professional, a contributor to the FindBugs project (Java static analysis tool), and the author of the StreamEx project, which enhances the Java 8 Stream API. He is also officially an OpenJDK author, contributing enhancements and bug fixes in Stream API implementation. He answered many questions on StackOverflow related to Stream API and Java concurrency.