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Java 9 Programming Blueprints

By : Lee
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Java 9 Programming Blueprints

By: Lee

Overview of this book

Java is a powerful language that has applications in a wide variety of fields. From playing games on your computer to performing banking transactions, Java is at the heart of everything. The book starts by unveiling the new features of Java 9 and quickly walks you through the building blocks that form the basis of writing applications. There are 10 comprehensive projects in the book that will showcase the various features of Java 9. You will learn to build an email filter that separates spam messages from all your inboxes, a social media aggregator app that will help you efficiently track various feeds, and a microservice for a client/server note application, to name a few. The book covers various libraries and frameworks in these projects, and also introduces a few more frameworks that complement and extend the Java SDK. Through the course of building applications, this book will not only help you get to grips with the various features of Java 9, but will also teach you how to design and prototype professional-grade applications with performance and security considerations.
Table of Contents (13 chapters)
Taking Notes with Monumentum

Getting started

As with every application, before we get started, we need to think about what we want the application to do. That is, what are the functional requirements? At a high level, the description tells us what we want to achieve in broad terms, but, more specifically, we want the user to be able to do the following:

  • Connect to several different social media networks
  • Determine, on a network-by-network basis, which group of data (users, lists, and more) to retrieve
  • See list of items from each network in a consolidated display
  • Be able to determine from which network an item came
  • Click on an item and have it loaded in the user's default browser

In addition to this list of things the application should do, the things it shouldn't do include the following:

  • Respond/reply to items
  • Comment on items
  • Manage friends/following lists

These features would be great additions...