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PHP 7 Data Structures and Algorithms

By : Rahman
5 (1)
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PHP 7 Data Structures and Algorithms

5 (1)
By: Rahman

Overview of this book

PHP has always been the the go-to language for web based application development, but there are materials and resources you can refer to to see how it works. Data structures and algorithms help you to code and execute them effectively, cutting down on processing time significantly. If you want to explore data structures and algorithms in a practical way with real-life projects, then this book is for you. The book begins by introducing you to data structures and algorithms and how to solve a problem from beginning to end using them. Once you are well aware of the basics, it covers the core aspects like arrays, listed lists, stacks and queues. It will take you through several methods of finding efficient algorithms and show you which ones you should implement in each scenario. In addition to this, you will explore the possibilities of functional data structures using PHP and go through advanced algorithms and graphs as well as dynamic programming. By the end, you will be confident enough to tackle both basic and advanced data structures, understand how they work, and know when to use them in your day-to-day work
Table of Contents (14 chapters)

Making the linked list iterable

So far, we have seen that we can traverse each node of the linked list using a while loop inside the methods. What if we need to iterate from outside using just the linked list object? It is very much possible to achieve this. PHP has a very intuitive iterator interface that allows any external iterators to iterate through an object internally. The Iterator interface provides the following methods:

  • Current: Return the current element
  • Next: Move forward to the next element
  • Key: Return the key of the current element
  • Rewind: Rewind the Iterator to the first element
  • Valid: Checks whether the current position is valid

We will now implement these methods in our LinkedList class to make our object iterate through the nodes from the object directly. In order to track the current node and the current position within the list during iteration, we will...