Enumerated types are called Base Enums in Operations, which are similar to enumerated types in C#. They are commonly referred to as Enums. It is an integer referenced as a symbol, which can be used in code to control logic. It can also be used as a field on a table that provides a fixed drop-down list to the user. When used as a field, it has the ability to provide user-friendly labels for each symbol.
Base Enums are usually only used as a drop-down list if we need to understand, in code, what each value means. They should contain a small number of options, and when used as a field, the list cannot be searched or extended by the user.
All Enums have to be defined in the data model before we use them and can't be defined within a class or method.
Base Enums are given the ability to be extensible in this release; the mechanics of this is covered in more detail in the There's more...