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Windows Application Development Cookbook

By : Marcin Jamro
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Windows Application Development Cookbook

By: Marcin Jamro

Overview of this book

Need to ensure you can always create the best Windows apps regardless of platform? What you need are solutions to the biggest issues you can face, so you can always ensure you’re making the right choices and creating the best apps you can. The book starts with recipes that will help you set up the integrated development environment before you go ahead and design the user interface. You will learn how to use the MVVM design pattern together with data binding, as well as how to work with data in different file formats. Moving on, you will explore techniques to add animations and graphics to your application, and enable your solution to work with multimedia content. You will also see how to use sensors, such as an accelerometer and a compass, as well as obtain the current GPS location. You will make your application ready to work with Internet-based scenarios, such as composing e-mails or downloading files, before finally testing the project and submitting it to the Windows Store. By the end of the book, you will have a market-ready application compatible across different Windows devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktops.
Table of Contents (17 chapters)
Windows Application Development Cookbook
About the Author
About the Reviewer

Navigating between pages

It is quite difficult to imagine an application with only one page. Thus, it is crucial to know how to navigate from one page to another. In this recipe, you will learn how to navigate to another page after pressing the button as well as how to go back to the previous page after pressing the button on the other page.

Getting ready

To complete this recipe, you need the project with two pages, represented by the MainPage and AboutPage classes. Let's imagine that the first page operates as a main menu of the application with a set of buttons. After clicking on each of them, a user should be navigated to a particular page, such as with information about the company, with a list of products, or with contact data.

As an example, the Button control should be added to both the pages, namely MainPage and AboutPage. However, they should present different content, such as About us (in MainPage) and Go back (in AboutPage), as graphically explained as follows:

How to do it...

To prepare an example that shows how to navigate between pages, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. To navigate from MainPage to AboutPage, modify the code of the button_Click method in the MainPage.xaml.cs file, as follows:

            private void button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 

  2. To go back to the previous page from AboutPage, modify the code of the button_Click method in the AboutPage.xaml.cs file, as follows:

            private void button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 
                if (Frame.CanGoBack) 

How it works...

Navigation to another page is possible using the Frame property of the Frame type. It provides developers with a few methods, including Navigate and GoBack.

The first method (Navigate) is used to navigate the user to another page with or without additional parameters (take a look at the next recipe), while the other (GoBack) allows the user to go back to the previous page. In such a case, it is recommended that you check whether you can go back to the previous page by verifying whether the CanGoBack property has a value equal to true.

See also

  • The Passing data between pages recipe

  • The Handling the back button recipe

  • The Changing a default page recipe

  • The Modifying the back stack recipe