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Reactive Programming with Swift 4

By : Navdeep Singh
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Reactive Programming with Swift 4

By: Navdeep Singh

Overview of this book

RxSwift belongs to a large family of Rx implementations in different programming languages that share almost identical syntax and semantics. Reactive approach will help you to write clean, cohesive, resilient, scalable, and maintainable code with highly configurable behavior. This book will introduce you to the world of reactive programming, primarily focusing on mobile platforms. It will tell how you can benefit from using RxSwift in your projects, existing or new. Further on, the book will demonstrate the unbelievable ease of configuring asynchronous behavior and other aspects of the app that are traditionally considered to be hard to implement and maintain. It will explain what Rx is made of, and how to switch to reactive way of thinking to get the most out of it. Also, test production code using RxTest and the red/ green approach. Finally, the book will dive into real-world recipes and show you how to build a real-world app by applying the reactive paradigm. By the end of the book, you’ll be able to build a reactive swift application by leveraging all the concepts this book takes you through.
Table of Contents (15 chapters)
Free Chapter
Migrating from Swift 3 to Swift 4
FRP Fundamentals, Terminology, and Basic Building Blocks
Set up RxSwift and Convert a Basic Login App to its RxSwift Counterpart
RxTest and Custom Rx Extensions – Testing with Rx
Schedule Your Tasks, Don't Queue!
Subscribe to Errors and Save Your App
Functional and Reactive App-Architecture


This chapter gave us a perspective on how you can change your programming approach from traditional to reactive. Reactive or traditional: this chapter explored some options and solutions that can be addressed in a Reactive way. We learned how to work with Observables and subjects; how to create and react to Observable sequences to give a perspective on how we can convert our regular data types like arrays to sequences and control execution based on the subscription.

This chapter laid down foundation, and the next two chapters will completely transform the way you think about your logic. We will learn how to operate on the events that we learned to create in this chapter. More goodies to collect, stay tuned :)