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Python: Master the Art of Design Patterns

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Python: Master the Art of Design Patterns

Overview of this book

Python is an object-oriented scripting language that is used in everything from data science to web development. Known for its simplicity, Python increases productivity and minimizes development time. Through applying essential software engineering design patterns to Python, Python code becomes even more efficient and reusable from project to project. This learning path takes you through every traditional and advanced design pattern best applied to Python code, building your skills in writing exceptional Python. Divided into three distinct modules, you’ll go from foundational to advanced concepts by following a series of practical tutorials. Start with the bedrock of Python programming – the object-oriented paradigm. Rethink the way you work with Python as you work through the Python data structures and object-oriented techniques essential to modern Python programming. Build your confidence as you learn Python syntax, and how to use OOP principles with Python tools such as Django and Kivy. In the second module, run through the most common and most useful design patterns from a Python perspective. Progress through Singleton patterns, Factory patterns, Façade patterns and more all with detailed hands-on guidance. Enhance your professional abilities in in software architecture, design, and development. In the final module, run through the more complex and less common design patterns, discovering how to apply them to Python coding with the help of real-world examples. Get to grips with the best practices of writing Python, as well as creating systems architecture and troubleshooting issues. This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products: ? Python 3 Object-Oriented Programming - Second Edition by Dusty Phillips ? Learning Python Design Patterns - Second Edition by Chetan Giridhar ? Mastering Python Design Patterns by Sakis Kasampalis
Table of Contents (6 chapters)
A. Bibliography

Chapter 12. Testing Object-oriented Programs

Skilled Python programmers agree that testing is one of the most important aspects of software development. Even though this chapter is placed near the end of the book, it is not an afterthought; everything we have studied so far will help us when writing tests. We'll be studying:

  • The importance of unit testing and test-driven development
  • The standard unittest module
  • The py.test automated testing suite
  • The mock module
  • Code coverage
  • Cross-platform testing with tox

Why test?

A large collection of programmers already know how important it is to test their code. If you're among them, feel free to skim this section. You'll find the next section—where we actually see how to do the tests in Python—much more scintillating. If you're not convinced of the importance of testing, I promise that your code is broken, you just don't know it. Read on!

Some people argue that testing is more important in Python code because of its dynamic nature; compiled languages such as Java and C++ are occasionally thought to be somehow "safer" because they enforce type checking at compile time. However, Python tests rarely check types. They're checking values. They're making sure that the right attributes have been set at the right time or that the sequence has the right length, order, and values. These higher-level things need to be tested in any language. The real reason Python programmers test more than programmers of other languages is that it is so easy to test in Python!

But why test? Do we really need to test? What if we didn't test? To answer those questions, write a tic-tac-toe game from scratch without any testing at all. Don't run it until it is completely written, start to finish. Tic-tac-toe is fairly simple to implement if you make both players human players (no artificial intelligence). You don't even have to try to calculate who the winner is. Now run your program. And fix all the errors. How many were there? I recorded eight on my tic-tac-toe implementation, and I'm not sure I caught them all. Did you?

We need to test our code to make sure it works. Running the program, as we just did, and fixing the errors is one crude form of testing. Python programmers are able to write a few lines of code and run the program to make sure those lines are doing what they expect. But changing a few lines of code can affect parts of the program that the developer hadn't realized will be influenced by the changes, and therefore won't test it. Furthermore, as a program grows, the various paths that the interpreter can take through that code also grow, and it quickly becomes impossible to manually test all of them.

To handle this, we write automated tests. These are programs that automatically run certain inputs through other programs or parts of programs. We can run these test programs in seconds and cover more possible input situations than one programmer would think to test every time they change something.

There are four main reasons to write tests:

  • To ensure that code is working the way the developer thinks it should
  • To ensure that code continues working when we make changes
  • To ensure that the developer understood the requirements
  • To ensure that the code we are writing has a maintainable interface

The first point really doesn't justify the time it takes to write a test; we can simply test the code directly in the interactive interpreter. But when we have to perform the same sequence of test actions multiple times, it takes less time to automate those steps once and then run them whenever necessary. It is a good idea to run tests whenever we change code, whether it is during initial development or maintenance releases. When we have a comprehensive set of automated tests, we can run them after code changes and know that we didn't inadvertently break anything that was tested.

The last two points are more interesting. When we write tests for code, it helps us design the API, interface, or pattern that code takes. Thus, if we misunderstood the requirements, writing a test can help highlight that misunderstanding. On the other side, if we're not certain how we want to design a class, we can write a test that interacts with that class so we have an idea what the most natural way to test it would be. In fact, it is often beneficial to write the tests before we write the code we are testing.

Test-driven development

"Write tests first" is the mantra of test-driven development. Test-driven development takes the "untested code is broken code" concept one step further and suggests that only unwritten code should be untested. Do not write any code until you have written the tests for this code. So the first step is to write a test that proves the code would work. Obviously, the test is going to fail, since the code hasn't been written. Then write the code that ensures the test passes. Then write another test for the next segment of code.

Test-driven development is fun. It allows us to build little puzzles to solve. Then we implement the code to solve the puzzles. Then we make a more complicated puzzle, and we write code that solves the new puzzle without unsolving the previous one.

There are two goals to the test-driven methodology. The first is to ensure that tests really get written. It's so very easy, after we have written code, to say: "Hmm, it seems to work. I don't have to write any tests for this. It was just a small change, nothing could have broken." If the test is already written before we write the code, we will know exactly when it works (because the test will pass), and we'll know in the future if it is ever broken by a change we, or someone else has made.

Secondly, writing tests first forces us to consider exactly how the code will be interacted with. It tells us what methods objects need to have and how attributes will be accessed. It helps us break up the initial problem into smaller, testable problems, and then to recombine the tested solutions into larger, also tested, solutions. Writing tests can thus become a part of the design process. Often, if we're writing a test for a new object, we discover anomalies in the design that force us to consider new aspects of the software.

As a concrete example, imagine writing code that uses an object-relational mapper to store object properties in a database. It is common to use an automatically assigned database ID in such objects. Our code might use this ID for various purposes. If we are writing a test for such code, before we write it, we may realize that our design is faulty because objects do not have these IDs until they have been saved to the database. If we want to manipulate an object without saving it in our test, it will highlight this problem before we have written code based on the faulty premise.

Testing makes software better. Writing tests before we release the software makes it better before the end user sees or purchases the buggy version (I have worked for companies that thrive on the "the users can test it" philosophy. It's not a healthy business model!). Writing tests before we write software makes it better the first time it is written.

Unit testing

Let's start our exploration with Python's built-in test library. This library provides a common interface for unit tests. Unit tests focus on testing the least amount of code possible in any one test. Each one tests a single unit of the total amount of available code.

The Python library for this is called, unsurprisingly, unittest. It provides several tools for creating and running unit tests, the most important being the TestCase class. This class provides a set of methods that allow us to compare values, set up tests, and clean up when they have finished.

When we want to write a set of unit tests for a specific task, we create a subclass of TestCase, and write individual methods to do the actual testing. These methods must all start with the name test. When this convention is followed, the tests automatically run as part of the test process. Normally, the tests set some values on an object and then run a method, and use the built-in comparison methods to ensure that the right results were calculated. Here's a very simple example:

import unittest

class CheckNumbers(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_int_float(self):
        self.assertEqual(1, 1.0)

if __name__ == "__main__":

This code simply subclasses the TestCase class and adds a method that calls the TestCase.assertEqual method. This method will either succeed or raise an exception, depending on whether the two parameters are equal. If we run this code, the main function from unittest will give us the following output:

Ran 1 test in 0.000s


Did you know that floats and integers can compare as equal? Let's add a failing test:

    def test_str_float(self):
        self.assertEqual(1, "1")

The output of this code is more sinister, as integers and strings are not considered equal:

FAIL: test_str_float (__main__.CheckNumbers)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 8, in test_str_float
    self.assertEqual(1, "1")
AssertionError: 1 != '1'

Ran 2 tests in 0.001s

FAILED (failures=1)

The dot on the first line indicates that the first test (the one we wrote before) passed successfully; the letter F after it shows that the second test failed. Then, at the end, it gives us some informative output telling us how and where the test failed, along with a summary of the number of failures.

We can have as many test methods on one TestCase class as we like; as long as the method name begins with test, the test runner will execute each one as a separate test. Each test should be completely independent of other tests. Results or calculations from a previous test should have no impact on the current test. The key to writing good unit tests is to keep each test method as short as possible, testing a small unit of code with each test case. If your code does not seem to naturally break up into such testable units, it's probably a sign that your design needs rethinking.

Assertion methods

The general layout of a test case is to set certain variables to known values, run one or more functions, methods, or processes, and then "prove" that correct expected results were returned or calculated by using TestCase assertion methods.

There are a few different assertion methods available to confirm that specific results have been achieved. We just saw assertEqual, which will cause a test failure if the two parameters do not pass an equality check. The inverse, assertNotEqual, will fail if the two parameters do compare as equal. The assertTrue and assertFalse methods each accept a single expression, and fail if the expression does not pass an if test. These tests are not checking for the Boolean values True or False. Rather, they test the same condition as though an if statement were used: False, None, 0, or an empty list, dictionary, string, set, or tuple would pass a call to the assertFalse method, while nonzero numbers, containers with values in them, or the value True would succeed when calling the assertTrue method.

There is an assertRaises method that can be used to ensure a specific function call raises a specific exception or, optionally, it can be used as a context manager to wrap inline code. The test passes if the code inside the with statement raises the proper exception; otherwise, it fails. Here's an example of both versions:

import unittest

def average(seq):
    return sum(seq) / len(seq)

class TestAverage(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_zero(self):

    def test_with_zero(self):
        with self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError):

if __name__ == "__main__":

The context manager allows us to write the code the way we would normally write it (by calling functions or executing code directly), rather than having to wrap the function call in another function call.

There are also several other assertion methods, summarized in the following table:







Accept two comparable objects and ensure the named inequality holds.



Ensure an element is (or is not) an element in a container object.



Ensure an element is (or is not) the exact value None (but not another falsey value).


Ensure two container objects have the same elements, ignoring the order.





Ensure two containers have the same elements in the same order. If there's a failure, show a code diff comparing the two lists to see where they differ. The last four methods also test the type of the list.

Each of the assertion methods accepts an optional argument named msg. If supplied, it is included in the error message if the assertion fails. This is useful for clarifying what was expected or explaining where a bug may have occurred to cause the assertion to fail.

Reducing boilerplate and cleaning up

After writing a few small tests, we often find that we have to do the same setup code for several related tests. For example, the following list subclass has three methods for statistical calculations:

from collections import defaultdict

class StatsList(list):
    def mean(self):
        return sum(self) / len(self)

    def median(self):
        if len(self) % 2:
            return self[int(len(self) / 2)]
            idx = int(len(self) / 2)
            return (self[idx] + self[idx-1]) / 2

    def mode(self):
        freqs = defaultdict(int)
        for item in self:
            freqs[item] += 1
        mode_freq = max(freqs.values())
        modes = []
        for item, value in freqs.items():
            if value == mode_freq:
        return modes

Clearly, we're going to want to test situations with each of these three methods that have very similar inputs; we'll want to see what happens with empty lists or with lists containing non-numeric values or with lists containing a normal dataset. We can use the setUp method on the TestCase class to do initialization for each test. This method accepts no arguments, and allows us to do arbitrary setup before each test is run. For example, we can test all three methods on identical lists of integers as follows:

from stats import StatsList
import unittest

class TestValidInputs(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.stats = StatsList([1,2,2,3,3,4])

    def test_mean(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.stats.mean(), 2.5)

    def test_median(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.stats.median(), 2.5)
        self.assertEqual(self.stats.median(), 3)

    def test_mode(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.stats.mode(), [2,3])
        self.assertEqual(self.stats.mode(), [3])

if __name__ == "__main__":

If we run this example, it indicates that all tests pass. Notice first that the setUp method is never explicitly called inside the three test_* methods. The test suite does this on our behalf. More importantly notice how test_median alters the list, by adding an additional 4 to it, yet when test_mode is called, the list has returned to the values specified in setUp (if it had not, there would be two fours in the list, and the mode method would have returned three values). This shows that setUp is called individually before each test, to ensure the test class starts with a clean slate. Tests can be executed in any order, and the results of one test should not depend on any other tests.

In addition to the setUp method, TestCase offers a no-argument tearDown method, which can be used for cleaning up after each and every test on the class has run. This is useful if cleanup requires anything other than letting an object be garbage collected. For example, if we are testing code that does file I/O, our tests may create new files as a side effect of testing; the tearDown method can remove these files and ensure the system is in the same state it was before the tests ran. Test cases should never have side effects. In general, we group test methods into separate TestCase subclasses depending on what setup code they have in common. Several tests that require the same or similar setup will be placed in one class, while tests that require unrelated setup go in another class.

Organizing and running tests

It doesn't take long for a collection of unit tests to grow very large and unwieldy. It quickly becomes complicated to load and run all the tests at once. This is a primary goal of unit testing; it should be trivial to run all tests on our program and get a quick "yes or no" answer to the question, "Did my recent changes break any existing tests?".

Python's discover module basically looks for any modules in the current folder or subfolders with names that start with the characters test. If it finds any TestCase objects in these modules, the tests are executed. It's a painless way to ensure we don't miss running any tests. To use it, ensure your test modules are named test_<something>.py and then run the command python3 -m unittest discover.

Ignoring broken tests

Sometimes, a test is known to fail, but we don't want the test suite to report the failure. This may be because a broken or unfinished feature has had tests written, but we aren't currently focusing on improving it. More often, it happens because a feature is only available on a certain platform, Python version, or for advanced versions of a specific library. Python provides us with a few decorators to mark tests as expected to fail or to be skipped under known conditions.

The decorators are:

  • expectedFailure()
  • skip(reason)
  • skipIf(condition, reason)
  • skipUnless(condition, reason)

These are applied using the Python decorator syntax. The first one accepts no arguments, and simply tells the test runner not to record the test as a failure when it fails. The skip method goes one step further and doesn't even bother to run the test. It expects a single string argument describing why the test was skipped. The other two decorators accept two arguments, one a Boolean expression that indicates whether or not the test should be run, and a similar description. In use, these three decorators might be applied like this:

import unittest
import sys

class SkipTests(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_fails(self):
        self.assertEqual(False, True)

    @unittest.skip("Test is useless")
    def test_skip(self):
        self.assertEqual(False, True)

    @unittest.skipIf(sys.version_info.minor == 4,
            "broken on 3.4")
    def test_skipif(self):
        self.assertEqual(False, True)

            "broken unless on linux")
    def test_skipunless(self):
        self.assertEqual(False, True)

if __name__ == "__main__":

The first test fails, but it is reported as an expected failure; the second test is never run. The other two tests may or may not be run depending on the current Python version and operating system. On my Linux system running Python 3.4, the output looks like this:

FAIL: test_skipunless (__main__.SkipTests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 21, in test_skipunless
    self.assertEqual(False, True)
AssertionError: False != True

Ran 4 tests in 0.001s

FAILED (failures=1, skipped=2, expected failures=1)

The x on the first line indicates an expected failure; the two s characters represent skipped tests, and the F indicates a real failure, since the conditional to skipUnless was True on my system.

Assertion methods

The general layout of a test case is to set certain variables to known values, run one or more functions, methods, or processes, and then "prove" that correct expected results were returned or calculated by using TestCase assertion methods.

There are a few different assertion methods available to confirm that specific results have been achieved. We just saw assertEqual, which will cause a test failure if the two parameters do not pass an equality check. The inverse, assertNotEqual, will fail if the two parameters do compare as equal. The assertTrue and assertFalse methods each accept a single expression, and fail if the expression does not pass an if test. These tests are not checking for the Boolean values True or False. Rather, they test the same condition as though an if statement were used: False, None, 0, or an empty list, dictionary, string, set, or tuple would pass a call to the assertFalse method, while nonzero numbers, containers with values in them, or the value True would succeed when calling the assertTrue method.

There is an assertRaises method that can be used to ensure a specific function call raises a specific exception or, optionally, it can be used as a context manager to wrap inline code. The test passes if the code inside the with statement raises the proper exception; otherwise, it fails. Here's an example of both versions:

import unittest

def average(seq):
    return sum(seq) / len(seq)

class TestAverage(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_zero(self):

    def test_with_zero(self):
        with self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError):

if __name__ == "__main__":

The context manager allows us to write the code the way we would normally write it (by calling functions or executing code directly), rather than having to wrap the function call in another function call.

There are also several other assertion methods, summarized in the following table:







Accept two comparable objects and ensure the named inequality holds.



Ensure an element is (or is not) an element in a container object.



Ensure an element is (or is not) the exact value None (but not another falsey value).


Ensure two container objects have the same elements, ignoring the order.





Ensure two containers have the same elements in the same order. If there's a failure, show a code diff comparing the two lists to see where they differ. The last four methods also test the type of the list.

Each of the assertion methods accepts an optional argument named msg. If supplied, it is included in the error message if the assertion fails. This is useful for clarifying what was expected or explaining where a bug may have occurred to cause the assertion to fail.

Reducing boilerplate and cleaning up

After writing a few small tests, we often find that we have to do the same setup code for several related tests. For example, the following list subclass has three methods for statistical calculations:

from collections import defaultdict

class StatsList(list):
    def mean(self):
        return sum(self) / len(self)

    def median(self):
        if len(self) % 2:
            return self[int(len(self) / 2)]
            idx = int(len(self) / 2)
            return (self[idx] + self[idx-1]) / 2

    def mode(self):
        freqs = defaultdict(int)
        for item in self:
            freqs[item] += 1
        mode_freq = max(freqs.values())
        modes = []
        for item, value in freqs.items():
            if value == mode_freq:
        return modes

Clearly, we're going to want to test situations with each of these three methods that have very similar inputs; we'll want to see what happens with empty lists or with lists containing non-numeric values or with lists containing a normal dataset. We can use the setUp method on the TestCase class to do initialization for each test. This method accepts no arguments, and allows us to do arbitrary setup before each test is run. For example, we can test all three methods on identical lists of integers as follows:

from stats import StatsList
import unittest

class TestValidInputs(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.stats = StatsList([1,2,2,3,3,4])

    def test_mean(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.stats.mean(), 2.5)

    def test_median(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.stats.median(), 2.5)
        self.assertEqual(self.stats.median(), 3)

    def test_mode(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.stats.mode(), [2,3])
        self.assertEqual(self.stats.mode(), [3])

if __name__ == "__main__":

If we run this example, it indicates that all tests pass. Notice first that the setUp method is never explicitly called inside the three test_* methods. The test suite does this on our behalf. More importantly notice how test_median alters the list, by adding an additional 4 to it, yet when test_mode is called, the list has returned to the values specified in setUp (if it had not, there would be two fours in the list, and the mode method would have returned three values). This shows that setUp is called individually before each test, to ensure the test class starts with a clean slate. Tests can be executed in any order, and the results of one test should not depend on any other tests.

In addition to the setUp method, TestCase offers a no-argument tearDown method, which can be used for cleaning up after each and every test on the class has run. This is useful if cleanup requires anything other than letting an object be garbage collected. For example, if we are testing code that does file I/O, our tests may create new files as a side effect of testing; the tearDown method can remove these files and ensure the system is in the same state it was before the tests ran. Test cases should never have side effects. In general, we group test methods into separate TestCase subclasses depending on what setup code they have in common. Several tests that require the same or similar setup will be placed in one class, while tests that require unrelated setup go in another class.

Organizing and running tests

It doesn't take long for a collection of unit tests to grow very large and unwieldy. It quickly becomes complicated to load and run all the tests at once. This is a primary goal of unit testing; it should be trivial to run all tests on our program and get a quick "yes or no" answer to the question, "Did my recent changes break any existing tests?".

Python's discover module basically looks for any modules in the current folder or subfolders with names that start with the characters test. If it finds any TestCase objects in these modules, the tests are executed. It's a painless way to ensure we don't miss running any tests. To use it, ensure your test modules are named test_<something>.py and then run the command python3 -m unittest discover.

Ignoring broken tests

Sometimes, a test is known to fail, but we don't want the test suite to report the failure. This may be because a broken or unfinished feature has had tests written, but we aren't currently focusing on improving it. More often, it happens because a feature is only available on a certain platform, Python version, or for advanced versions of a specific library. Python provides us with a few decorators to mark tests as expected to fail or to be skipped under known conditions.

The decorators are:

  • expectedFailure()
  • skip(reason)
  • skipIf(condition, reason)
  • skipUnless(condition, reason)

These are applied using the Python decorator syntax. The first one accepts no arguments, and simply tells the test runner not to record the test as a failure when it fails. The skip method goes one step further and doesn't even bother to run the test. It expects a single string argument describing why the test was skipped. The other two decorators accept two arguments, one a Boolean expression that indicates whether or not the test should be run, and a similar description. In use, these three decorators might be applied like this:

import unittest
import sys

class SkipTests(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_fails(self):
        self.assertEqual(False, True)

    @unittest.skip("Test is useless")
    def test_skip(self):
        self.assertEqual(False, True)

    @unittest.skipIf(sys.version_info.minor == 4,
            "broken on 3.4")
    def test_skipif(self):
        self.assertEqual(False, True)

            "broken unless on linux")
    def test_skipunless(self):
        self.assertEqual(False, True)

if __name__ == "__main__":

The first test fails, but it is reported as an expected failure; the second test is never run. The other two tests may or may not be run depending on the current Python version and operating system. On my Linux system running Python 3.4, the output looks like this:

FAIL: test_skipunless (__main__.SkipTests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 21, in test_skipunless
    self.assertEqual(False, True)
AssertionError: False != True

Ran 4 tests in 0.001s

FAILED (failures=1, skipped=2, expected failures=1)

The x on the first line indicates an expected failure; the two s characters represent skipped tests, and the F indicates a real failure, since the conditional to skipUnless was True on my system.

Reducing boilerplate and cleaning up

After writing a few small tests, we often find that we have to do the same setup code for several related tests. For example, the following list subclass has three methods for statistical calculations:

from collections import defaultdict

class StatsList(list):
    def mean(self):
        return sum(self) / len(self)

    def median(self):
        if len(self) % 2:
            return self[int(len(self) / 2)]
            idx = int(len(self) / 2)
            return (self[idx] + self[idx-1]) / 2

    def mode(self):
        freqs = defaultdict(int)
        for item in self:
            freqs[item] += 1
        mode_freq = max(freqs.values())
        modes = []
        for item, value in freqs.items():
            if value == mode_freq:
        return modes

Clearly, we're going to want to test situations with each of these three methods that have very similar inputs; we'll want to see what happens with empty lists or with lists containing non-numeric values or with lists containing a normal dataset. We can use the setUp method on the TestCase class to do initialization for each test. This method accepts no arguments, and allows us to do arbitrary setup before each test is run. For example, we can test all three methods on identical lists of integers as follows:

from stats import StatsList
import unittest

class TestValidInputs(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.stats = StatsList([1,2,2,3,3,4])

    def test_mean(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.stats.mean(), 2.5)

    def test_median(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.stats.median(), 2.5)
        self.assertEqual(self.stats.median(), 3)

    def test_mode(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.stats.mode(), [2,3])
        self.assertEqual(self.stats.mode(), [3])

if __name__ == "__main__":

If we run this example, it indicates that all tests pass. Notice first that the setUp method is never explicitly called inside the three test_* methods. The test suite does this on our behalf. More importantly notice how test_median alters the list, by adding an additional 4 to it, yet when test_mode is called, the list has returned to the values specified in setUp (if it had not, there would be two fours in the list, and the mode method would have returned three values). This shows that setUp is called individually before each test, to ensure the test class starts with a clean slate. Tests can be executed in any order, and the results of one test should not depend on any other tests.

In addition to the setUp method, TestCase offers a no-argument tearDown method, which can be used for cleaning up after each and every test on the class has run. This is useful if cleanup requires anything other than letting an object be garbage collected. For example, if we are testing code that does file I/O, our tests may create new files as a side effect of testing; the tearDown method can remove these files and ensure the system is in the same state it was before the tests ran. Test cases should never have side effects. In general, we group test methods into separate TestCase subclasses depending on what setup code they have in common. Several tests that require the same or similar setup will be placed in one class, while tests that require unrelated setup go in another class.

Organizing and running tests

It doesn't take long for a collection of unit tests to grow very large and unwieldy. It quickly becomes complicated to load and run all the tests at once. This is a primary goal of unit testing; it should be trivial to run all tests on our program and get a quick "yes or no" answer to the question, "Did my recent changes break any existing tests?".

Python's discover module basically looks for any modules in the current folder or subfolders with names that start with the characters test. If it finds any TestCase objects in these modules, the tests are executed. It's a painless way to ensure we don't miss running any tests. To use it, ensure your test modules are named test_<something>.py and then run the command python3 -m unittest discover.

Ignoring broken tests

Sometimes, a test is known to fail, but we don't want the test suite to report the failure. This may be because a broken or unfinished feature has had tests written, but we aren't currently focusing on improving it. More often, it happens because a feature is only available on a certain platform, Python version, or for advanced versions of a specific library. Python provides us with a few decorators to mark tests as expected to fail or to be skipped under known conditions.

The decorators are:

  • expectedFailure()
  • skip(reason)
  • skipIf(condition, reason)
  • skipUnless(condition, reason)

These are applied using the Python decorator syntax. The first one accepts no arguments, and simply tells the test runner not to record the test as a failure when it fails. The skip method goes one step further and doesn't even bother to run the test. It expects a single string argument describing why the test was skipped. The other two decorators accept two arguments, one a Boolean expression that indicates whether or not the test should be run, and a similar description. In use, these three decorators might be applied like this:

import unittest
import sys

class SkipTests(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_fails(self):
        self.assertEqual(False, True)

    @unittest.skip("Test is useless")
    def test_skip(self):
        self.assertEqual(False, True)

    @unittest.skipIf(sys.version_info.minor == 4,
            "broken on 3.4")
    def test_skipif(self):
        self.assertEqual(False, True)

            "broken unless on linux")
    def test_skipunless(self):
        self.assertEqual(False, True)

if __name__ == "__main__":

The first test fails, but it is reported as an expected failure; the second test is never run. The other two tests may or may not be run depending on the current Python version and operating system. On my Linux system running Python 3.4, the output looks like this:

FAIL: test_skipunless (__main__.SkipTests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 21, in test_skipunless
    self.assertEqual(False, True)
AssertionError: False != True

Ran 4 tests in 0.001s

FAILED (failures=1, skipped=2, expected failures=1)

The x on the first line indicates an expected failure; the two s characters represent skipped tests, and the F indicates a real failure, since the conditional to skipUnless was True on my system.

Organizing and running tests

It doesn't take long for a collection of unit tests to grow very large and unwieldy. It quickly becomes complicated to load and run all the tests at once. This is a primary goal of unit testing; it should be trivial to run all tests on our program and get a quick "yes or no" answer to the question, "Did my recent changes break any existing tests?".

Python's discover module basically looks for any modules in the current folder or subfolders with names that start with the characters test. If it finds any TestCase objects in these modules, the tests are executed. It's a painless way to ensure we don't miss running any tests. To use it, ensure your test modules are named test_<something>.py and then run the command python3 -m unittest discover.

Ignoring broken tests

Sometimes, a test is known to fail, but we don't want the test suite to report the failure. This may be because a broken or unfinished feature has had tests written, but we aren't currently focusing on improving it. More often, it happens because a feature is only available on a certain platform, Python version, or for advanced versions of a specific library. Python provides us with a few decorators to mark tests as expected to fail or to be skipped under known conditions.

The decorators are:

  • expectedFailure()
  • skip(reason)
  • skipIf(condition, reason)
  • skipUnless(condition, reason)

These are applied using the Python decorator syntax. The first one accepts no arguments, and simply tells the test runner not to record the test as a failure when it fails. The skip method goes one step further and doesn't even bother to run the test. It expects a single string argument describing why the test was skipped. The other two decorators accept two arguments, one a Boolean expression that indicates whether or not the test should be run, and a similar description. In use, these three decorators might be applied like this:

import unittest
import sys

class SkipTests(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_fails(self):
        self.assertEqual(False, True)

    @unittest.skip("Test is useless")
    def test_skip(self):
        self.assertEqual(False, True)

    @unittest.skipIf(sys.version_info.minor == 4,
            "broken on 3.4")
    def test_skipif(self):
        self.assertEqual(False, True)

            "broken unless on linux")
    def test_skipunless(self):
        self.assertEqual(False, True)

if __name__ == "__main__":

The first test fails, but it is reported as an expected failure; the second test is never run. The other two tests may or may not be run depending on the current Python version and operating system. On my Linux system running Python 3.4, the output looks like this:

FAIL: test_skipunless (__main__.SkipTests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 21, in test_skipunless
    self.assertEqual(False, True)
AssertionError: False != True

Ran 4 tests in 0.001s

FAILED (failures=1, skipped=2, expected failures=1)

The x on the first line indicates an expected failure; the two s characters represent skipped tests, and the F indicates a real failure, since the conditional to skipUnless was True on my system.

Ignoring broken tests

Sometimes, a test is known to fail, but we don't want the test suite to report the failure. This may be because a broken or unfinished feature has had tests written, but we aren't currently focusing on improving it. More often, it happens because a feature is only available on a certain platform, Python version, or for advanced versions of a specific library. Python provides us with a few decorators to mark tests as expected to fail or to be skipped under known conditions.

The decorators are:

  • expectedFailure()
  • skip(reason)
  • skipIf(condition, reason)
  • skipUnless(condition, reason)

These are applied using the Python decorator syntax. The first one accepts no arguments, and simply tells the test runner not to record the test as a failure when it fails. The skip method goes one step further and doesn't even bother to run the test. It expects a single string argument describing why the test was skipped. The other two decorators accept two arguments, one a Boolean expression that indicates whether or not the test should be run, and a similar description. In use, these three decorators might be applied like this:

import unittest
import sys

class SkipTests(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_fails(self):
        self.assertEqual(False, True)

    @unittest.skip("Test is useless")
    def test_skip(self):
        self.assertEqual(False, True)

    @unittest.skipIf(sys.version_info.minor == 4,
            "broken on 3.4")
    def test_skipif(self):
        self.assertEqual(False, True)

            "broken unless on linux")
    def test_skipunless(self):
        self.assertEqual(False, True)

if __name__ == "__main__":

The first test fails, but it is reported as an expected failure; the second test is never run. The other two tests may or may not be run depending on the current Python version and operating system. On my Linux system running Python 3.4, the output looks like this:

FAIL: test_skipunless (__main__.SkipTests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 21, in test_skipunless
    self.assertEqual(False, True)
AssertionError: False != True

Ran 4 tests in 0.001s

FAILED (failures=1, skipped=2, expected failures=1)

The x on the first line indicates an expected failure; the two s characters represent skipped tests, and the F indicates a real failure, since the conditional to skipUnless was True on my system.

Testing with py.test

The Python unittest module requires a lot of boilerplate code to set up and initialize tests. It is based on the very popular JUnit testing framework for Java. It even uses the same method names (you may have noticed they don't conform to the PEP-8 naming standard, which suggests underscores rather than CamelCase to separate words in a method name) and test layout. While this is effective for testing in Java, it's not necessarily the best design for Python testing.

Because Python programmers like their code to be elegant and simple, other test frameworks have been developed, outside the standard library. Two of the more popular ones are py.test and nose. The former is more robust and has had Python 3 support for much longer, so we'll discuss it here.

Since py.test is not part of the standard library, you'll need to download and install it yourself; you can get it from the py.test home page at The website has comprehensive installation instructions for a variety of interpreters and platforms, but you can usually get away with the more common python package installer, pip. Just type pip install pytest on your command line and you'll be good to go.

py.test has a substantially different layout from the unittest module. It doesn't require test cases to be classes. Instead, it takes advantage of the fact that Python functions are objects, and allows any properly named function to behave like a test. Rather than providing a bunch of custom methods for asserting equality, it uses the assert statement to verify results. This makes tests more readable and maintainable. When we run py.test, it will start in the current folder and search for any modules in that folder or subpackages whose names start with the characters test_. If any functions in this module also start with test, they will be executed as individual tests. Furthermore, if there are any classes in the module whose name starts with Test, any methods on that class that start with test_ will also be executed in the test environment.

Let's port the simplest possible unittest example we wrote earlier to py.test:

def test_int_float():
    assert 1 == 1.0

For the exact same test, we've written two lines of more readable code, in comparison to the six lines required in our first unittest example.

However, we are not forbidden from writing class-based tests. Classes can be useful for grouping related tests together or for tests that need to access related attributes or methods on the class. This example shows an extended class with a passing and a failing test; we'll see that the error output is more comprehensive than that provided by the unittest module:

class TestNumbers:
    def test_int_float(self):
        assert 1 == 1.0

    def test_int_str(self):
        assert 1 == "1"

Notice that the class doesn't have to extend any special objects to be picked up as a test (although py.test will run standard unittest TestCases just fine). If we run py.test <filename>, the output looks like this:

============== test session starts ==============
python: platform linux2 -- Python 3.4.1 -- pytest-2.6.4
test object 1: .F

=================== FAILURES====================
___________ TestNumbers.test_int_str ____________

self = <class_pytest.TestNumbers object at 0x85b4fac>

    def test_int_str(self):
>       assert 1 == "1"
E       assert 1 == '1' AssertionError
====== 1 failed, 1 passed in 0.10 seconds =======

The output starts with some useful information about the platform and interpreter. This can be useful for sharing bugs across disparate systems. The third line tells us the name of the file being tested (if there are multiple test modules picked up, they will all be displayed), followed by the familiar .F we saw in the unittest module; the . character indicates a passing test, while the letter F demonstrates a failure.

After all tests have run, the error output for each of them is displayed. It presents a summary of local variables (there is only one in this example: the self parameter passed into the function), the source code where the error occurred, and a summary of the error message. In addition, if an exception other than an AssertionError is raised, py.test will present us with a complete traceback, including source code references.

By default, py.test suppresses output from print statements if the test is successful. This is useful for test debugging; when a test is failing, we can add print statements to the test to check the values of specific variables and attributes as the test runs. If the test fails, these values are output to help with diagnosis. However, once the test is successful, the print statement output is not displayed, and they can be easily ignored. We don't have to "clean up" the output by removing print statements. If the tests ever fail again, due to future changes, the debugging output will be immediately available.

One way to do setup and cleanup

py.test supports setup and teardown methods similar to those used in unittest, but it provides even more flexibility. We'll discuss these briefly, since they are familiar, but they are not used as extensively as in the unittest module, as py.test provides us with a powerful funcargs facility, which we'll discuss in the next section.

If we are writing class-based tests, we can use two methods called setup_method and teardown_method in basically the same way that setUp and tearDown are called in unittest. They are called before and after each test method in the class to perform setup and cleanup duties. There is one difference from the unittest methods though. Both methods accept an argument: the function object representing the method being called.

In addition, py.test provides other setup and teardown functions to give us more control over when setup and cleanup code is executed. The setup_class and teardown_class methods are expected to be class methods; they accept a single argument (there is no self argument) representing the class in question.

Finally, we have the setup_module and teardown_module functions, which are run immediately before and after all tests (in functions or classes) in that module. These can be useful for "one time" setup, such as creating a socket or database connection that will be used by all tests in the module. Be careful with this one, as it can accidentally introduce dependencies between tests if the object being set up stores the state.

That short description doesn't do a great job of explaining exactly when these methods are called, so let's look at an example that illustrates exactly when it happens:

def setup_module(module):
    print("setting up MODULE {0}".format(

def teardown_module(module):
    print("tearing down MODULE {0}".format(

def test_a_function():

class BaseTest:
    def setup_class(cls):
        print("setting up CLASS {0}".format(

    def teardown_class(cls):
        print("tearing down CLASS {0}\n".format(

    def setup_method(self, method):
        print("setting up METHOD {0}".format(

    def teardown_method(self, method):
        print("tearing down  METHOD {0}".format(

class TestClass1(BaseTest):
    def test_method_1(self):
        print("RUNNING METHOD 1-1")

    def test_method_2(self):
        print("RUNNING METHOD 1-2")

class TestClass2(BaseTest):
    def test_method_1(self):
        print("RUNNING METHOD 2-1")

    def test_method_2(self):
        print("RUNNING METHOD 2-2")

The sole purpose of the BaseTest class is to extract four methods that would be otherwise identical to the test classes, and use inheritance to reduce the amount of duplicate code. So, from the point of view of py.test, the two subclasses have not only two test methods each, but also two setup and two teardown methods (one at the class level, one at the method level).

If we run these tests using py.test with the print function output suppression disabled (by passing the -s or --capture=no flag), they show us when the various functions are called in relation to the tests themselves:

py.test -s
setting up MODULE setup_teardown
.setting up CLASS TestClass1
setting up METHOD test_method_1
.tearing down  METHOD test_method_1
setting up METHOD test_method_2
.tearing down  METHOD test_method_2
tearing down CLASS TestClass1
setting up CLASS TestClass2
setting up METHOD test_method_1
.tearing down  METHOD test_method_1
setting up METHOD test_method_2
.tearing down  METHOD test_method_2
tearing down CLASS TestClass2

tearing down MODULE setup_teardown

The setup and teardown methods for the module are executed at the beginning and end of the session. Then the lone module-level test function is run. Next, the setup method for the first class is executed, followed by the two tests for that class. These tests are each individually wrapped in separate setup_method and teardown_method calls. After the tests have executed, the class teardown method is called. The same sequence happens for the second class, before the teardown_module method is finally called, exactly once.

A completely different way to set up variables

One of the most common uses for the various setup and teardown functions is to ensure certain class or module variables are available with a known value before each test method is run.

py.test offers a completely different way to do this using what are known as funcargs, short for function arguments. Funcargs are basically named variables that are predefined in a test configuration file. This allows us to separate configuration from execution of tests, and allows the funcargs to be used across multiple classes and modules.

To use them, we add parameters to our test function. The names of the parameters are used to look up specific arguments in specially named functions. For example, if we wanted to test the StatsList class we used while demonstrating unittest, we would again want to repeatedly test a list of valid integers. But we can write our tests like so instead of using a setup method:

from stats import StatsList

def pytest_funcarg__valid_stats(request):
    return StatsList([1,2,2,3,3,4])

def test_mean(valid_stats):
    assert valid_stats.mean() == 2.5

def test_median(valid_stats):
    assert valid_stats.median() == 2.5
    assert valid_stats.median() == 3

def test_mode(valid_stats):
    assert valid_stats.mode() == [2,3]
    assert valid_stats.mode() == [3]

Each of the three test methods accepts a parameter named valid_stats; this parameter is created by calling the pytest_funcarg__valid_stats function defined at the top of the file. It can also be defined in a file called if the funcarg is needed by multiple modules. The file is parsed by py.test to load any "global" test configuration; it is a sort of catch-all for customizing the py.test experience.

As with other py.test features, the name of the factory for returning a funcarg is important; funcargs are functions that are named pytest_funcarg__<identifier>, where <identifier> is a valid variable name that can be used as a parameter in a test function. This function accepts a mysterious request parameter, and returns the object to be passed as an argument into the individual test functions. The funcarg is created afresh for each call to an individual test function; this allows us, for example, to change the list in one test and know that it will be reset to its original values in the next test.

Funcargs can do a lot more than return basic variables. That request object passed into the funcarg factory provides some extremely useful methods and attributes to modify the funcarg's behavior. The module, cls, and function attributes allow us to see exactly which test is requesting the funcarg. The config attribute allows us to check command-line arguments and other configuration data.

More interestingly, the request object provides methods that allow us to do additional cleanup on the funcarg, or to reuse it across tests, activities that would otherwise be relegated to setup and teardown methods of a specific scope.

The request.addfinalizer method accepts a callback function that performs cleanup after each test function that uses the funcarg has been called. This provides the equivalent of a teardown method, allowing us to clean up files, close connections, empty lists, or reset queues. For example, the following code tests the os.mkdir functionality by creating a temporary directory funcarg:

import tempfile
import shutil
import os.path

def pytest_funcarg__temp_dir(request):
    dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    def cleanup():
    return dir

def test_osfiles(temp_dir):
    os.mkdir(os.path.join(temp_dir, 'a'))
    os.mkdir(os.path.join(temp_dir, 'b'))
    dir_contents = os.listdir(temp_dir)
    assert len(dir_contents) == 2
    assert 'a' in dir_contents
    assert 'b' in dir_contents

The funcarg creates a new empty temporary directory for files to be created in. Then it adds a finalizer call to remove that directory (using shutil.rmtree, which recursively removes a directory and anything inside it) after the test has completed. The filesystem is then left in the same state in which it started.

We can use the request.cached_setup method to create function argument variables that last longer than one test. This is useful when setting up an expensive operation that can be reused by multiple tests as long as the resource reuse doesn't break the atomic or unit nature of the tests (so that one test does not rely on and is not impacted by a previous one). For example, if we were to test the following echo server, we may want to run only one instance of the server in a separate process, and then have multiple tests connect to that instance:

import socket

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)

    while True:
        client, address = s.accept()
        data = client.recv(1024)

All this code does is listen on a specific port and wait for input from a client socket. When it receives input, it sends the same value back. To test this, we can start the server in a separate process and cache the result for use in multiple tests. Here's how the test code might look:

import subprocess
import socket
import time

def pytest_funcarg__echoserver(request):
    def setup():
        p = subprocess.Popen(
                ['python3', ''])
        return p

    def cleanup(p):

    return request.cached_setup(

def pytest_funcarg__clientsocket(request):
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    s.connect(('localhost', 1028))
    request.addfinalizer(lambda: s.close())
    return s

def test_echo(echoserver, clientsocket):
    assert clientsocket.recv(3) == b'abc'
def test_echo2(echoserver, clientsocket):
    assert clientsocket.recv(3) == b'def'

We've created two funcargs here. The first runs the echo server in a separate process, and returns the process object. The second instantiates a new socket object for each test, and closes it when the test has completed, using addfinalizer. The first funcarg is the one we're currently interested in. It looks much like a traditional unit test setup and teardown. We create a setup function that accepts no parameters and returns the correct argument; in this case, a process object that is actually ignored by the tests, since they only care that the server is running. Then, we create a cleanup function (the name of the function is arbitrary since it's just an object we pass into another function), which accepts a single argument: the argument returned by setup. This cleanup code terminates the process.

Instead of returning a funcarg directly, the parent function returns the results of a call to request.cached_setup. It accepts two arguments for the setup and teardown functions (which we just created), and a scope argument. This last argument should be one of the three strings "function", "module", or "session"; it determines just how long the argument will be cached. We set it to "session" in this example, so it is cached for the duration of the entire py.test run. The process will not be terminated or restarted until all tests have run. The "module" scope, of course, caches it only for tests in that module, and the "function" scope treats the object more like a normal funcarg, in that it is reset after each test function is run.

Skipping tests with py.test

As with the unittest module, it is frequently necessary to skip tests in py.test, for a variety of reasons: the code being tested hasn't been written yet, the test only runs on certain interpreters or operating systems, or the test is time consuming and should only be run under certain circumstances.

We can skip tests at any point in our code using the py.test.skip function. It accepts a single argument: a string describing why it has been skipped. This function can be called anywhere; if we call it inside a test function, the test will be skipped. If we call it at the module level, all the tests in that module will be skipped. If we call it inside a funcarg function, all tests that call that funcarg will be skipped.

Of course, in all these locations, it is often desirable to skip tests only if certain conditions are or are not met. Since we can execute the skip function at any place in Python code, we can execute it inside an if statement. So we may write a test that looks like this:

import sys
import py.test

def test_simple_skip():
    if sys.platform != "fakeos":
        py.test.skip("Test works only on fakeOS")
    assert fakeos.did_not_happen

That's some pretty silly code, really. There is no Python platform named fakeos, so this test will skip on all operating systems. It shows how we can skip conditionally, and since the if statement can check any valid conditional, we have a lot of power over when tests are skipped. Often, we check sys.version_info to check the Python interpreter version, sys.platform to check the operating system, or some_library.__version__ to check whether we have a recent enough version of a given API.

Since skipping an individual test method or function based on a certain conditional is one of the most common uses of test skipping, py.test provides a convenience decorator that allows us to do this in one line. The decorator accepts a single string, which can contain any executable Python code that evaluates to a Boolean value. For example, the following test will only run on Python 3 or higher:

import py.test

@py.test.mark.skipif("sys.version_info <= (3,0)")
def test_python3():
    assert b"hello".decode() == "hello"

The py.test.mark.xfail decorator behaves similarly, except that it marks a test as expected to fail, similar to unittest.expectedFailure(). If the test is successful, it will be recorded as a failure; if it fails, it will be reported as expected behavior. In the case of xfail, the conditional argument is optional; if it is not supplied, the test will be marked as expected to fail under all conditions.

One way to do setup and cleanup

py.test supports setup and teardown methods similar to those used in unittest, but it provides even more flexibility. We'll discuss these briefly, since they are familiar, but they are not used as extensively as in the unittest module, as py.test provides us with a powerful funcargs facility, which we'll discuss in the next section.

If we are writing class-based tests, we can use two methods called setup_method and teardown_method in basically the same way that setUp and tearDown are called in unittest. They are called before and after each test method in the class to perform setup and cleanup duties. There is one difference from the unittest methods though. Both methods accept an argument: the function object representing the method being called.

In addition, py.test provides other setup and teardown functions to give us more control over when setup and cleanup code is executed. The setup_class and teardown_class methods are expected to be class methods; they accept a single argument (there is no self argument) representing the class in question.

Finally, we have the setup_module and teardown_module functions, which are run immediately before and after all tests (in functions or classes) in that module. These can be useful for "one time" setup, such as creating a socket or database connection that will be used by all tests in the module. Be careful with this one, as it can accidentally introduce dependencies between tests if the object being set up stores the state.

That short description doesn't do a great job of explaining exactly when these methods are called, so let's look at an example that illustrates exactly when it happens:

def setup_module(module):
    print("setting up MODULE {0}".format(

def teardown_module(module):
    print("tearing down MODULE {0}".format(

def test_a_function():

class BaseTest:
    def setup_class(cls):
        print("setting up CLASS {0}".format(

    def teardown_class(cls):
        print("tearing down CLASS {0}\n".format(

    def setup_method(self, method):
        print("setting up METHOD {0}".format(

    def teardown_method(self, method):
        print("tearing down  METHOD {0}".format(

class TestClass1(BaseTest):
    def test_method_1(self):
        print("RUNNING METHOD 1-1")

    def test_method_2(self):
        print("RUNNING METHOD 1-2")

class TestClass2(BaseTest):
    def test_method_1(self):
        print("RUNNING METHOD 2-1")

    def test_method_2(self):
        print("RUNNING METHOD 2-2")

The sole purpose of the BaseTest class is to extract four methods that would be otherwise identical to the test classes, and use inheritance to reduce the amount of duplicate code. So, from the point of view of py.test, the two subclasses have not only two test methods each, but also two setup and two teardown methods (one at the class level, one at the method level).

If we run these tests using py.test with the print function output suppression disabled (by passing the -s or --capture=no flag), they show us when the various functions are called in relation to the tests themselves:

py.test -s
setting up MODULE setup_teardown
.setting up CLASS TestClass1
setting up METHOD test_method_1
.tearing down  METHOD test_method_1
setting up METHOD test_method_2
.tearing down  METHOD test_method_2
tearing down CLASS TestClass1
setting up CLASS TestClass2
setting up METHOD test_method_1
.tearing down  METHOD test_method_1
setting up METHOD test_method_2
.tearing down  METHOD test_method_2
tearing down CLASS TestClass2

tearing down MODULE setup_teardown

The setup and teardown methods for the module are executed at the beginning and end of the session. Then the lone module-level test function is run. Next, the setup method for the first class is executed, followed by the two tests for that class. These tests are each individually wrapped in separate setup_method and teardown_method calls. After the tests have executed, the class teardown method is called. The same sequence happens for the second class, before the teardown_module method is finally called, exactly once.

A completely different way to set up variables

One of the most common uses for the various setup and teardown functions is to ensure certain class or module variables are available with a known value before each test method is run.

py.test offers a completely different way to do this using what are known as funcargs, short for function arguments. Funcargs are basically named variables that are predefined in a test configuration file. This allows us to separate configuration from execution of tests, and allows the funcargs to be used across multiple classes and modules.

To use them, we add parameters to our test function. The names of the parameters are used to look up specific arguments in specially named functions. For example, if we wanted to test the StatsList class we used while demonstrating unittest, we would again want to repeatedly test a list of valid integers. But we can write our tests like so instead of using a setup method:

from stats import StatsList

def pytest_funcarg__valid_stats(request):
    return StatsList([1,2,2,3,3,4])

def test_mean(valid_stats):
    assert valid_stats.mean() == 2.5

def test_median(valid_stats):
    assert valid_stats.median() == 2.5
    assert valid_stats.median() == 3

def test_mode(valid_stats):
    assert valid_stats.mode() == [2,3]
    assert valid_stats.mode() == [3]

Each of the three test methods accepts a parameter named valid_stats; this parameter is created by calling the pytest_funcarg__valid_stats function defined at the top of the file. It can also be defined in a file called if the funcarg is needed by multiple modules. The file is parsed by py.test to load any "global" test configuration; it is a sort of catch-all for customizing the py.test experience.

As with other py.test features, the name of the factory for returning a funcarg is important; funcargs are functions that are named pytest_funcarg__<identifier>, where <identifier> is a valid variable name that can be used as a parameter in a test function. This function accepts a mysterious request parameter, and returns the object to be passed as an argument into the individual test functions. The funcarg is created afresh for each call to an individual test function; this allows us, for example, to change the list in one test and know that it will be reset to its original values in the next test.

Funcargs can do a lot more than return basic variables. That request object passed into the funcarg factory provides some extremely useful methods and attributes to modify the funcarg's behavior. The module, cls, and function attributes allow us to see exactly which test is requesting the funcarg. The config attribute allows us to check command-line arguments and other configuration data.

More interestingly, the request object provides methods that allow us to do additional cleanup on the funcarg, or to reuse it across tests, activities that would otherwise be relegated to setup and teardown methods of a specific scope.

The request.addfinalizer method accepts a callback function that performs cleanup after each test function that uses the funcarg has been called. This provides the equivalent of a teardown method, allowing us to clean up files, close connections, empty lists, or reset queues. For example, the following code tests the os.mkdir functionality by creating a temporary directory funcarg:

import tempfile
import shutil
import os.path

def pytest_funcarg__temp_dir(request):
    dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    def cleanup():
    return dir

def test_osfiles(temp_dir):
    os.mkdir(os.path.join(temp_dir, 'a'))
    os.mkdir(os.path.join(temp_dir, 'b'))
    dir_contents = os.listdir(temp_dir)
    assert len(dir_contents) == 2
    assert 'a' in dir_contents
    assert 'b' in dir_contents

The funcarg creates a new empty temporary directory for files to be created in. Then it adds a finalizer call to remove that directory (using shutil.rmtree, which recursively removes a directory and anything inside it) after the test has completed. The filesystem is then left in the same state in which it started.

We can use the request.cached_setup method to create function argument variables that last longer than one test. This is useful when setting up an expensive operation that can be reused by multiple tests as long as the resource reuse doesn't break the atomic or unit nature of the tests (so that one test does not rely on and is not impacted by a previous one). For example, if we were to test the following echo server, we may want to run only one instance of the server in a separate process, and then have multiple tests connect to that instance:

import socket

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)

    while True:
        client, address = s.accept()
        data = client.recv(1024)

All this code does is listen on a specific port and wait for input from a client socket. When it receives input, it sends the same value back. To test this, we can start the server in a separate process and cache the result for use in multiple tests. Here's how the test code might look:

import subprocess
import socket
import time

def pytest_funcarg__echoserver(request):
    def setup():
        p = subprocess.Popen(
                ['python3', ''])
        return p

    def cleanup(p):

    return request.cached_setup(

def pytest_funcarg__clientsocket(request):
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    s.connect(('localhost', 1028))
    request.addfinalizer(lambda: s.close())
    return s

def test_echo(echoserver, clientsocket):
    assert clientsocket.recv(3) == b'abc'
def test_echo2(echoserver, clientsocket):
    assert clientsocket.recv(3) == b'def'

We've created two funcargs here. The first runs the echo server in a separate process, and returns the process object. The second instantiates a new socket object for each test, and closes it when the test has completed, using addfinalizer. The first funcarg is the one we're currently interested in. It looks much like a traditional unit test setup and teardown. We create a setup function that accepts no parameters and returns the correct argument; in this case, a process object that is actually ignored by the tests, since they only care that the server is running. Then, we create a cleanup function (the name of the function is arbitrary since it's just an object we pass into another function), which accepts a single argument: the argument returned by setup. This cleanup code terminates the process.

Instead of returning a funcarg directly, the parent function returns the results of a call to request.cached_setup. It accepts two arguments for the setup and teardown functions (which we just created), and a scope argument. This last argument should be one of the three strings "function", "module", or "session"; it determines just how long the argument will be cached. We set it to "session" in this example, so it is cached for the duration of the entire py.test run. The process will not be terminated or restarted until all tests have run. The "module" scope, of course, caches it only for tests in that module, and the "function" scope treats the object more like a normal funcarg, in that it is reset after each test function is run.

Skipping tests with py.test

As with the unittest module, it is frequently necessary to skip tests in py.test, for a variety of reasons: the code being tested hasn't been written yet, the test only runs on certain interpreters or operating systems, or the test is time consuming and should only be run under certain circumstances.

We can skip tests at any point in our code using the py.test.skip function. It accepts a single argument: a string describing why it has been skipped. This function can be called anywhere; if we call it inside a test function, the test will be skipped. If we call it at the module level, all the tests in that module will be skipped. If we call it inside a funcarg function, all tests that call that funcarg will be skipped.

Of course, in all these locations, it is often desirable to skip tests only if certain conditions are or are not met. Since we can execute the skip function at any place in Python code, we can execute it inside an if statement. So we may write a test that looks like this:

import sys
import py.test

def test_simple_skip():
    if sys.platform != "fakeos":
        py.test.skip("Test works only on fakeOS")
    assert fakeos.did_not_happen

That's some pretty silly code, really. There is no Python platform named fakeos, so this test will skip on all operating systems. It shows how we can skip conditionally, and since the if statement can check any valid conditional, we have a lot of power over when tests are skipped. Often, we check sys.version_info to check the Python interpreter version, sys.platform to check the operating system, or some_library.__version__ to check whether we have a recent enough version of a given API.

Since skipping an individual test method or function based on a certain conditional is one of the most common uses of test skipping, py.test provides a convenience decorator that allows us to do this in one line. The decorator accepts a single string, which can contain any executable Python code that evaluates to a Boolean value. For example, the following test will only run on Python 3 or higher:

import py.test

@py.test.mark.skipif("sys.version_info <= (3,0)")
def test_python3():
    assert b"hello".decode() == "hello"

The py.test.mark.xfail decorator behaves similarly, except that it marks a test as expected to fail, similar to unittest.expectedFailure(). If the test is successful, it will be recorded as a failure; if it fails, it will be reported as expected behavior. In the case of xfail, the conditional argument is optional; if it is not supplied, the test will be marked as expected to fail under all conditions.

A completely different way to set up variables

One of the most common uses for the various setup and teardown functions is to ensure certain class or module variables are available with a known value before each test method is run.

py.test offers a completely different way to do this using what are known as funcargs, short for function arguments. Funcargs are basically named variables that are predefined in a test configuration file. This allows us to separate configuration from execution of tests, and allows the funcargs to be used across multiple classes and modules.

To use them, we add parameters to our test function. The names of the parameters are used to look up specific arguments in specially named functions. For example, if we wanted to test the StatsList class we used while demonstrating unittest, we would again want to repeatedly test a list of valid integers. But we can write our tests like so instead of using a setup method:

from stats import StatsList

def pytest_funcarg__valid_stats(request):
    return StatsList([1,2,2,3,3,4])

def test_mean(valid_stats):
    assert valid_stats.mean() == 2.5

def test_median(valid_stats):
    assert valid_stats.median() == 2.5
    assert valid_stats.median() == 3

def test_mode(valid_stats):
    assert valid_stats.mode() == [2,3]
    assert valid_stats.mode() == [3]

Each of the three test methods accepts a parameter named valid_stats; this parameter is created by calling the pytest_funcarg__valid_stats function defined at the top of the file. It can also be defined in a file called if the funcarg is needed by multiple modules. The file is parsed by py.test to load any "global" test configuration; it is a sort of catch-all for customizing the py.test experience.

As with other py.test features, the name of the factory for returning a funcarg is important; funcargs are functions that are named pytest_funcarg__<identifier>, where <identifier> is a valid variable name that can be used as a parameter in a test function. This function accepts a mysterious request parameter, and returns the object to be passed as an argument into the individual test functions. The funcarg is created afresh for each call to an individual test function; this allows us, for example, to change the list in one test and know that it will be reset to its original values in the next test.

Funcargs can do a lot more than return basic variables. That request object passed into the funcarg factory provides some extremely useful methods and attributes to modify the funcarg's behavior. The module, cls, and function attributes allow us to see exactly which test is requesting the funcarg. The config attribute allows us to check command-line arguments and other configuration data.

More interestingly, the request object provides methods that allow us to do additional cleanup on the funcarg, or to reuse it across tests, activities that would otherwise be relegated to setup and teardown methods of a specific scope.

The request.addfinalizer method accepts a callback function that performs cleanup after each test function that uses the funcarg has been called. This provides the equivalent of a teardown method, allowing us to clean up files, close connections, empty lists, or reset queues. For example, the following code tests the os.mkdir functionality by creating a temporary directory funcarg:

import tempfile
import shutil
import os.path

def pytest_funcarg__temp_dir(request):
    dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    def cleanup():
    return dir

def test_osfiles(temp_dir):
    os.mkdir(os.path.join(temp_dir, 'a'))
    os.mkdir(os.path.join(temp_dir, 'b'))
    dir_contents = os.listdir(temp_dir)
    assert len(dir_contents) == 2
    assert 'a' in dir_contents
    assert 'b' in dir_contents

The funcarg creates a new empty temporary directory for files to be created in. Then it adds a finalizer call to remove that directory (using shutil.rmtree, which recursively removes a directory and anything inside it) after the test has completed. The filesystem is then left in the same state in which it started.

We can use the request.cached_setup method to create function argument variables that last longer than one test. This is useful when setting up an expensive operation that can be reused by multiple tests as long as the resource reuse doesn't break the atomic or unit nature of the tests (so that one test does not rely on and is not impacted by a previous one). For example, if we were to test the following echo server, we may want to run only one instance of the server in a separate process, and then have multiple tests connect to that instance:

import socket

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)

    while True:
        client, address = s.accept()
        data = client.recv(1024)

All this code does is listen on a specific port and wait for input from a client socket. When it receives input, it sends the same value back. To test this, we can start the server in a separate process and cache the result for use in multiple tests. Here's how the test code might look:

import subprocess
import socket
import time

def pytest_funcarg__echoserver(request):
    def setup():
        p = subprocess.Popen(
                ['python3', ''])
        return p

    def cleanup(p):

    return request.cached_setup(

def pytest_funcarg__clientsocket(request):
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    s.connect(('localhost', 1028))
    request.addfinalizer(lambda: s.close())
    return s

def test_echo(echoserver, clientsocket):
    assert clientsocket.recv(3) == b'abc'
def test_echo2(echoserver, clientsocket):
    assert clientsocket.recv(3) == b'def'

We've created two funcargs here. The first runs the echo server in a separate process, and returns the process object. The second instantiates a new socket object for each test, and closes it when the test has completed, using addfinalizer. The first funcarg is the one we're currently interested in. It looks much like a traditional unit test setup and teardown. We create a setup function that accepts no parameters and returns the correct argument; in this case, a process object that is actually ignored by the tests, since they only care that the server is running. Then, we create a cleanup function (the name of the function is arbitrary since it's just an object we pass into another function), which accepts a single argument: the argument returned by setup. This cleanup code terminates the process.

Instead of returning a funcarg directly, the parent function returns the results of a call to request.cached_setup. It accepts two arguments for the setup and teardown functions (which we just created), and a scope argument. This last argument should be one of the three strings "function", "module", or "session"; it determines just how long the argument will be cached. We set it to "session" in this example, so it is cached for the duration of the entire py.test run. The process will not be terminated or restarted until all tests have run. The "module" scope, of course, caches it only for tests in that module, and the "function" scope treats the object more like a normal funcarg, in that it is reset after each test function is run.

Skipping tests with py.test

As with the unittest module, it is frequently necessary to skip tests in py.test, for a variety of reasons: the code being tested hasn't been written yet, the test only runs on certain interpreters or operating systems, or the test is time consuming and should only be run under certain circumstances.

We can skip tests at any point in our code using the py.test.skip function. It accepts a single argument: a string describing why it has been skipped. This function can be called anywhere; if we call it inside a test function, the test will be skipped. If we call it at the module level, all the tests in that module will be skipped. If we call it inside a funcarg function, all tests that call that funcarg will be skipped.

Of course, in all these locations, it is often desirable to skip tests only if certain conditions are or are not met. Since we can execute the skip function at any place in Python code, we can execute it inside an if statement. So we may write a test that looks like this:

import sys
import py.test

def test_simple_skip():
    if sys.platform != "fakeos":
        py.test.skip("Test works only on fakeOS")
    assert fakeos.did_not_happen

That's some pretty silly code, really. There is no Python platform named fakeos, so this test will skip on all operating systems. It shows how we can skip conditionally, and since the if statement can check any valid conditional, we have a lot of power over when tests are skipped. Often, we check sys.version_info to check the Python interpreter version, sys.platform to check the operating system, or some_library.__version__ to check whether we have a recent enough version of a given API.

Since skipping an individual test method or function based on a certain conditional is one of the most common uses of test skipping, py.test provides a convenience decorator that allows us to do this in one line. The decorator accepts a single string, which can contain any executable Python code that evaluates to a Boolean value. For example, the following test will only run on Python 3 or higher:

import py.test

@py.test.mark.skipif("sys.version_info <= (3,0)")
def test_python3():
    assert b"hello".decode() == "hello"

The py.test.mark.xfail decorator behaves similarly, except that it marks a test as expected to fail, similar to unittest.expectedFailure(). If the test is successful, it will be recorded as a failure; if it fails, it will be reported as expected behavior. In the case of xfail, the conditional argument is optional; if it is not supplied, the test will be marked as expected to fail under all conditions.

Skipping tests with py.test

As with the unittest module, it is frequently necessary to skip tests in py.test, for a variety of reasons: the code being tested hasn't been written yet, the test only runs on certain interpreters or operating systems, or the test is time consuming and should only be run under certain circumstances.

We can skip tests at any point in our code using the py.test.skip function. It accepts a single argument: a string describing why it has been skipped. This function can be called anywhere; if we call it inside a test function, the test will be skipped. If we call it at the module level, all the tests in that module will be skipped. If we call it inside a funcarg function, all tests that call that funcarg will be skipped.

Of course, in all these locations, it is often desirable to skip tests only if certain conditions are or are not met. Since we can execute the skip function at any place in Python code, we can execute it inside an if statement. So we may write a test that looks like this:

import sys
import py.test

def test_simple_skip():
    if sys.platform != "fakeos":
        py.test.skip("Test works only on fakeOS")
    assert fakeos.did_not_happen

That's some pretty silly code, really. There is no Python platform named fakeos, so this test will skip on all operating systems. It shows how we can skip conditionally, and since the if statement can check any valid conditional, we have a lot of power over when tests are skipped. Often, we check sys.version_info to check the Python interpreter version, sys.platform to check the operating system, or some_library.__version__ to check whether we have a recent enough version of a given API.

Since skipping an individual test method or function based on a certain conditional is one of the most common uses of test skipping, py.test provides a convenience decorator that allows us to do this in one line. The decorator accepts a single string, which can contain any executable Python code that evaluates to a Boolean value. For example, the following test will only run on Python 3 or higher:

import py.test

@py.test.mark.skipif("sys.version_info <= (3,0)")
def test_python3():
    assert b"hello".decode() == "hello"

The py.test.mark.xfail decorator behaves similarly, except that it marks a test as expected to fail, similar to unittest.expectedFailure(). If the test is successful, it will be recorded as a failure; if it fails, it will be reported as expected behavior. In the case of xfail, the conditional argument is optional; if it is not supplied, the test will be marked as expected to fail under all conditions.

Imitating expensive objects

Sometimes, we want to test code that requires an object be supplied that is either expensive or difficult to construct. While this may mean your API needs rethinking to have a more testable interface (which typically means a more usable interface), we sometimes find ourselves writing test code that has a ton of boilerplate to set up objects that are only incidentally related to the code under test.

For example, imagine we have some code that keeps track of flight statuses in a key-value store (such as redis or memcache) such that we can store the timestamp and the most recent status. A basic version of such code might look like this:

import datetime
import redis

class FlightStatusTracker:

    def __init__(self):
        self.redis = redis.StrictRedis()

    def change_status(self, flight, status):
        status = status.upper()
        if status not in self.ALLOWED_STATUSES:
            raise ValueError(
                   "{} is not a valid status".format(status))

        key = "flightno:{}".format(flight)
        value = "{}|{}".format(
  , status)
        self.redis.set(key, value)

There are a lot of things we ought to test in that change_status method. We should check that it raises the appropriate error if a bad status is passed in. We need to ensure that it converts statuses to uppercase. We can see that the key and value have the correct formatting when the set() method is called on the redis object.

One thing we don't have to check in our unit tests, however, is that the redis object is properly storing the data. This is something that absolutely should be tested in integration or application testing, but at the unit test level, we can assume that the py-redis developers have tested their code and that this method does what we want it to. As a rule, unit tests should be self-contained and not rely on the existence of outside resources, such as a running Redis instance.

Instead, we only need to test that the set() method was called the appropriate number of times and with the appropriate arguments. We can use Mock() objects in our tests to replace the troublesome method with an object we can introspect. The following example illustrates the use of mock:

from unittest.mock import Mock
import py.test
def pytest_funcarg__tracker():
    return FlightStatusTracker()

def test_mock_method(tracker):
    tracker.redis.set = Mock()
    with py.test.raises(ValueError) as ex:
        tracker.change_status("AC101", "lost")
    assert ex.value.args[0] == "LOST is not a valid status"
    assert tracker.redis.set.call_count == 0

This test, written using py.test syntax, asserts that the correct exception is raised when an inappropriate argument is passed in. In addition, it creates a mock object for the set method and makes sure that it is never called. If it was, it would mean there was a bug in our exception handling code.

Simply replacing the method worked fine in this case, since the object being replaced was destroyed in the end. However, we often want to replace a function or method only for the duration of a test. For example, if we want to test the timestamp formatting in the mock method, we need to know exactly what is going to return. However, this value changes from run to run. We need some way to pin it to a specific value so we can test it deterministically.

Remember monkey-patching? Temporarily setting a library function to a specific value is an excellent use of it. The mock library provides a patch context manager that allows us to replace attributes on existing libraries with mock objects. When the context manager exits, the original attribute is automatically restored so as not to impact other test cases. Here's an example:

from unittest.mock import patch
def test_patch(tracker):
    tracker.redis.set = Mock()
    fake_now = datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 1)
    with patch('datetime.datetime') as dt: = fake_now
        tracker.change_status("AC102", "on time")
        "2015-04-01T00:00:00|ON TIME")

In this example, we first construct a value called fake_now, which we will set as the return value of the function. We have to construct this object before we patch datetime.datetime because otherwise we'd be calling the patched now function before we constructed it!

The with statement invites the patch to replace the datetime.datetime module with a mock object, which is returned as the value dt. The neat thing about mock objects is that any time you access an attribute or method on that object, it returns another mock object. Thus when we access, it gives us a new mock object. We set the return_value of that object to our fake_now object; that way, whenever the function is called, it will return our object instead of a new mock object.

Then, after calling our change_status method with known values, we use the mock class's assert_called_once_with function to ensure that the now function was indeed called exactly once with no arguments. We then call it a second time to prove that the redis.set method was called with arguments that were formatted as we expected them to be.

The previous example is a good indication of how writing tests can guide our API design. The FlightStatusTracker object looks sensible at first glance; we construct a redis connection when the object is constructed, and we call into it when we need it. When we write tests for this code, however, we discover that even if we mock out that self.redis variable on a FlightStatusTracker, the redis connection still has to be constructed. This call actually fails if there is no Redis server running, and our tests also fail.

We could solve this problem by mocking out the redis.StrictRedis class to return a mock in a setUp method. A better idea, however, might be to rethink our example. Instead of constructing the redis instance inside__init__, perhaps we should allow the user to pass one in, as in the following example:

    def __init__(self, redis_instance=None):
        self.redis = redis_instance if redis_instance else redis.StrictRedis()

This allows us to pass a mock in when we are testing, so the StrictRedis method never gets constructed. However, it also allows any client code that talks to FlightStatusTracker to pass in their own redis instance. There are a variety of reasons they might want to do this. They may have already constructed one for other parts of their code. They may have created an optimized implementation of the redis API. Perhaps they have one that logs metrics to their internal monitoring systems. By writing a unit test, we've uncovered a use case that makes our API more flexible from the start, rather than waiting for clients to demand we support their exotic needs.

This has been a brief introduction to the wonders of mocking code. Mocks are part of the standard unittest library since Python 3.3, but as you see from these examples, they can also be used with py.test and other libraries. Mocks have other more advanced features that you may need to take advantage of as your code gets more complicated. For example, you can use the spec argument to invite a mock to imitate an existing class so that it raises an error if code tries to access an attribute that does not exist on the imitated class. You can also construct mock methods that return different arguments each time they are called by passing a list as the side_effect argument. The side_effect parameter is quite versatile; you can also use it to execute arbitrary functions when the mock is called or to raise an exception.

In general, we should be quite stingy with mocks. If we find ourselves mocking out multiple elements in a given unit test, we may end up testing the mock framework rather than our real code. This serves no useful purpose whatsoever; after all, mocks are well-tested already! If our code is doing a lot of this, it's probably another sign that the API we are testing is poorly designed. Mocks should exist at the boundaries between the code under test and the libraries they interface with. If this isn't happening, we may need to change the API so that the boundaries are redrawn in a different place.

How much testing is enough?

We've already established that untested code is broken code. But how can we tell how well our code is tested? How do we know how much of our code is actually being tested and how much is broken? The first question is the more important one, but it's hard to answer. Even if we know we have tested every line of code in our application, we do not know that we have tested it properly. For example, if we write a stats test that only checks what happens when we provide a list of integers, it may still fail spectacularly if used on a list of floats or strings or self-made objects. The onus of designing complete test suites still lies with the programmer.

The second question—how much of our code is actually being tested—is easy to verify. Code coverage is essentially an estimate of the number of lines of code that are executed by a program. If we know that number and the number of lines that are in the program, we can get an estimate of what percentage of the code was really tested, or covered. If we additionally have an indicator as to which lines were not tested, we can more easily write new tests to ensure those lines are less broken.

The most popular tool for testing code coverage is called, memorably enough, It can be installed like most other third-party libraries using the command pip install coverage.

We don't have space to cover all the details of the coverage API, so we'll just look at a few typical examples. If we have a Python script that runs all our unit tests for us (for example, using unittest.main, a custom test runner or discover), we can use the following command to perform a coverage analysis:

coverage run

This command will exit normally, but it creates a file named .coverage that holds the data from the run. We can now use the coverage report command to get an analysis of code coverage:

>>> coverage report

The output is as follows:

Name                           Stmts   Exec  Cover
coverage_unittest                  7      7   100%
stats                             19      6    31%
TOTAL                             26     13    50%

This basic report lists the files that were executed (our unit test and a module it imported). The number of lines of code in each file, and the number that were executed by the test are also listed. The two numbers are then combined to estimate the amount of code coverage. If we pass the -m option to the report command, it will additionally add a column that looks like this:

8-12, 15-23

The ranges of lines listed here identify lines in the stats module that were not executed during the test run.

The example we just ran the code coverage tool on uses the same stats module we created earlier in the chapter. However, it deliberately uses a single test that fails to test a lot of code in the file. Here's the test:

from stats import StatsList
import unittest

class TestMean(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_mean(self):
        self.assertEqual(StatsList([1,2,2,3,3,4]).mean(), 2.5)

if __name__ == "__main__":


This code doesn't test the median or mode functions, which correspond to the line numbers that the coverage output told us were missing.

The textual report is sufficient, but if we use the command coverage html, we can get an even fancier interactive HTML report that we can view in a web browser. The web page even highlights which lines in the source code were and were not tested. Here's how it looks:

How much testing is enough?

We can use the module with py.test as well. We'll need to install the py.test plugin for code coverage, using pip install pytest-coverage. The plugin adds several command-line options to py.test, the most useful being --cover-report, which can be set to html, report, or annotate (the latter actually modifies the source code to highlight any lines that were not covered).

Unfortunately, if we could somehow run a coverage report on this section of the chapter, we'd find that we have not covered most of what there is to know about code coverage! It is possible to use the coverage API to manage code coverage from within our own programs (or test suites), and accepts numerous configuration options that we haven't touched on. We also haven't discussed the difference between statement coverage and branch coverage (the latter is much more useful, and the default in recent versions of or other styles of code coverage.

Bear in mind that while 100 percent code coverage is a lofty goal that we should all strive for, 100 percent coverage is not enough! Just because a statement was tested does not mean that it was tested properly for all possible inputs.

Case study

Let's walk through test-driven development by writing a small, tested, cryptography application. Don't worry, you won't need to understand the mathematics behind complicated modern encryption algorithms such as Threefish or RSA. Instead, we'll be implementing a sixteenth-century algorithm known as the Vigenère cipher. The application simply needs to be able to encode and decode a message, given an encoding keyword, using this cipher.

First, we need to understand how the cipher works if we apply it manually (without a computer). We start with a table like this:


Given a keyword, TRAIN, we can encode the message ENCODED IN PYTHON as follows:

  1. Repeat the keyword and message together such that it is easy to map letters from one to the other:
    E N C O D E D I N P Y T H O N    T R A I N T R A I N T R A I N
  2. For each letter in the plain text, find the row that begins with that letter in the table.
  3. Find the column with the letter associated with the keyword letter for the chosen plaintext letter.
  4. The encoded character is at the intersection of this row and column.

For example, the row starting with E intersects the column starting with T at the character X. So, the first letter in the ciphertext is X. The row starting with N intersects the column starting with R at the character E, leading to the ciphertext XE. C intersects A at C, and O intersects I at W. D and N map to Q while E and T map to X. The full encoded message is XECWQXUIVCRKHWA.

Decoding basically follows the opposite procedure. First, find the row with the character for the shared keyword (the T row), then find the location in that row where the encoded character (the X) is located. The plaintext character is at the top of the column for that row (the E).

Implementing it

Our program will need an encode method that takes a keyword and plaintext and returns the ciphertext, and a decode method that accepts a keyword and ciphertext and returns the original message.

But rather than just writing those methods, let's follow a test-driven development strategy. We'll be using py.test for our unit testing. We need an encode method, and we know what it has to do; let's write a test for that method first:

def test_encode():
    cipher = VigenereCipher("TRAIN")
    encoded = cipher.encode("ENCODEDINPYTHON")
    assert encoded == "XECWQXUIVCRKHWA"

This test fails, naturally, because we aren't importing a VigenereCipher class anywhere. Let's create a new module to hold that class.

Let's start with the following VigenereCipher class:

class VigenereCipher:
    def __init__(self, keyword):
        self.keyword = keyword

    def encode(self, plaintext):
        return "XECWQXUIVCRKHWA"

If we add a from vigenere_cipher import VigenereCipher line to the top of our test class and run py.test, the preceding test will pass! We've finished our first test-driven development cycle.

Obviously, returning a hardcoded string is not the most sensible implementation of a cipher class, so let's add a second test:

def test_encode_character():
    cipher = VigenereCipher("TRAIN")
    encoded = cipher.encode("E")
    assert encoded == "X"

Ah, now that test will fail. It looks like we're going to have to work harder. But I just thought of something: what if someone tries to encode a string with spaces or lowercase characters? Before we start implementing the encoding, let's add some tests for these cases, so we don't we forget them. The expected behavior will be to remove spaces, and to convert lowercase letters to capitals:

def test_encode_spaces():
    cipher = VigenereCipher("TRAIN")
    encoded = cipher.encode("ENCODED IN PYTHON")
    assert encoded == "XECWQXUIVCRKHWA"

def test_encode_lowercase():
    cipher = VigenereCipher("TRain")
    encoded = cipher.encode("encoded in Python")
    assert encoded == "XECWQXUIVCRKHWA"

If we run the new test suite, we find that the new tests pass (they expect the same hardcoded string). But they ought to fail later if we forget to account for these cases.

Now that we have some test cases, let's think about how to implement our encoding algorithm. Writing code to use a table like we used in the earlier manual algorithm is possible, but seems complicated, considering that each row is just an alphabet rotated by an offset number of characters. It turns out (I asked Wikipedia) that we can use modulo arithmetic to combine the characters instead of doing a table lookup. Given plaintext and keyword characters, if we convert the two letters to their numerical values (with A being 0 and Z being 25), add them together, and take the remainder mod 26, we get the ciphertext character! This is a straightforward calculation, but since it happens on a character-by-character basis, we should probably put it in its own function. And before we do that, we should write a test for the new function:

from vigenere_cipher import combine_character
def test_combine_character():
    assert combine_character("E", "T") == "X"
    assert combine_character("N", "R") == "E"

Now we can write the code to make this function work. In all honesty, I had to run the test several times before I got this function completely correct; first I returned an integer, and then I forgot to shift the character back up to the normal ASCII scale from the zero-based scale. Having the test available made it easy to test and debug these errors. This is another bonus of test-driven development.

def combine_character(plain, keyword):
    plain = plain.upper()
    keyword = keyword.upper()
    plain_num = ord(plain) - ord('A')
    keyword_num = ord(keyword) - ord('A')
    return chr(ord('A') + (plain_num + keyword_num) % 26)

Now that combine_characters is tested, I thought we'd be ready to implement our encode function. However, the first thing we want inside that function is a repeating version of the keyword string that is as long as the plaintext. Let's implement a function for that first. Oops, I mean let's implement the test first!

def test_extend_keyword():
    cipher = VigenereCipher("TRAIN")
    extended = cipher.extend_keyword(16)
    assert extended == "TRAINTRAINTRAINT"

Before writing this test, I expected to write extend_keyword as a standalone function that accepted a keyword and an integer. But as I started drafting the test, I realized it made more sense to use it as a helper method on the VigenereCipher class. This shows how test-driven development can help design more sensible APIs. Here's the method implementation:

    def extend_keyword(self, number):
        repeats = number // len(self.keyword) + 1
        return (self.keyword * repeats)[:number]

Once again, this took a few runs of the test to get right. I ended up adding a second versions of the test, one with fifteen and one with sixteen letters, to make sure it works if the integer division has an even number.

Now we're finally ready to write our encode method:

    def encode(self, plaintext):
        cipher = []
        keyword = self.extend_keyword(len(plaintext))
        for p,k in zip(plaintext, keyword):
        return "".join(cipher)

That looks correct. Our test suite should pass now, right?

Actually, if we run it, we'll find that two tests are still failing. We totally forgot about the spaces and lowercase characters! It is a good thing we wrote those tests to remind us. We'll have to add this line at the beginning of the method:

        plaintext = plaintext.replace(" ", "").upper()


If we have an idea about a corner case in the middle of implementing something, we can create a test describing that idea. We don't even have to implement the test; we can just run assert False to remind us to implement it later. The failing test will never let us forget the corner case and it can't be ignored like filing a task can. If it takes a while to get around to fixing the implementation, we can mark the test as an expected failure.

Now all the tests pass successfully. This chapter is pretty long, so we'll condense the examples for decoding. Here are a couple tests:

def test_separate_character():
    assert separate_character("X", "T") == "E"
    assert separate_character("E", "R") == "N"

def test_decode():
    cipher = VigenereCipher("TRAIN")
    decoded = cipher.decode("XECWQXUIVCRKHWA")
    assert decoded == "ENCODEDINPYTHON"

Here's the separate_character function:

def separate_character(cypher, keyword):
    cypher = cypher.upper()
    keyword = keyword.upper()
    cypher_num = ord(cypher) - ord('A')
    keyword_num = ord(keyword) - ord('A')
    return chr(ord('A') + (cypher_num - keyword_num) % 26)

And the decode method:

    def decode(self, ciphertext):
        plain = []
        keyword = self.extend_keyword(len(ciphertext))
        for p,k in zip(ciphertext, keyword):
        return "".join(plain)

These methods have a lot of similarity to those used for encoding. The great thing about having all these tests written and passing is that we can now go back and modify our code, knowing it is still safely passing the tests. For example, if we replace our existing encode and decode methods with these refactored methods, our tests still pass:

    def _code(self, text, combine_func):
        text = text.replace(" ", "").upper()
        combined = []
        keyword = self.extend_keyword(len(text))
        for p,k in zip(text, keyword):
        return "".join(combined)

    def encode(self, plaintext):
        return self._code(plaintext, combine_character)

    def decode(self, ciphertext):
        return self._code(ciphertext, separate_character)

This is the final benefit of test-driven development, and the most important. Once the tests are written, we can improve our code as much as we like and be confident that our changes didn't break anything we have been testing for. Furthermore, we know exactly when our refactor is finished: when the tests all pass.

Of course, our tests may not comprehensively test everything we need them to; maintenance or code refactoring can still cause undiagnosed bugs that don't show up in testing. Automated tests are not foolproof. If bugs do occur, however, it is still possible to follow a test-driven plan; step one is to write a test (or multiple tests) that duplicates or "proves" that the bug in question is occurring. This will, of course, fail. Then write the code to make the tests stop failing. If the tests were comprehensive, the bug will be fixed, and we will know if it ever happens again, as soon as we run the test suite.

Finally, we can try to determine how well our tests operate on this code. With the py.test coverage plugin installed, py.test –coverage-report=report tells us that our test suite has 100 percent code coverage. This is a great statistic, but we shouldn't get too cocky about it. Our code hasn't been tested when encoding messages that have numbers, and its behavior with such inputs is thus undefined.

Implementing it

Our program will need an encode method that takes a keyword and plaintext and returns the ciphertext, and a decode method that accepts a keyword and ciphertext and returns the original message.

But rather than just writing those methods, let's follow a test-driven development strategy. We'll be using py.test for our unit testing. We need an encode method, and we know what it has to do; let's write a test for that method first:

def test_encode():
    cipher = VigenereCipher("TRAIN")
    encoded = cipher.encode("ENCODEDINPYTHON")
    assert encoded == "XECWQXUIVCRKHWA"

This test fails, naturally, because we aren't importing a VigenereCipher class anywhere. Let's create a new module to hold that class.

Let's start with the following VigenereCipher class:

class VigenereCipher:
    def __init__(self, keyword):
        self.keyword = keyword

    def encode(self, plaintext):
        return "XECWQXUIVCRKHWA"

If we add a from vigenere_cipher import VigenereCipher line to the top of our test class and run py.test, the preceding test will pass! We've finished our first test-driven development cycle.

Obviously, returning a hardcoded string is not the most sensible implementation of a cipher class, so let's add a second test:

def test_encode_character():
    cipher = VigenereCipher("TRAIN")
    encoded = cipher.encode("E")
    assert encoded == "X"

Ah, now that test will fail. It looks like we're going to have to work harder. But I just thought of something: what if someone tries to encode a string with spaces or lowercase characters? Before we start implementing the encoding, let's add some tests for these cases, so we don't we forget them. The expected behavior will be to remove spaces, and to convert lowercase letters to capitals:

def test_encode_spaces():
    cipher = VigenereCipher("TRAIN")
    encoded = cipher.encode("ENCODED IN PYTHON")
    assert encoded == "XECWQXUIVCRKHWA"

def test_encode_lowercase():
    cipher = VigenereCipher("TRain")
    encoded = cipher.encode("encoded in Python")
    assert encoded == "XECWQXUIVCRKHWA"

If we run the new test suite, we find that the new tests pass (they expect the same hardcoded string). But they ought to fail later if we forget to account for these cases.

Now that we have some test cases, let's think about how to implement our encoding algorithm. Writing code to use a table like we used in the earlier manual algorithm is possible, but seems complicated, considering that each row is just an alphabet rotated by an offset number of characters. It turns out (I asked Wikipedia) that we can use modulo arithmetic to combine the characters instead of doing a table lookup. Given plaintext and keyword characters, if we convert the two letters to their numerical values (with A being 0 and Z being 25), add them together, and take the remainder mod 26, we get the ciphertext character! This is a straightforward calculation, but since it happens on a character-by-character basis, we should probably put it in its own function. And before we do that, we should write a test for the new function:

from vigenere_cipher import combine_character
def test_combine_character():
    assert combine_character("E", "T") == "X"
    assert combine_character("N", "R") == "E"

Now we can write the code to make this function work. In all honesty, I had to run the test several times before I got this function completely correct; first I returned an integer, and then I forgot to shift the character back up to the normal ASCII scale from the zero-based scale. Having the test available made it easy to test and debug these errors. This is another bonus of test-driven development.

def combine_character(plain, keyword):
    plain = plain.upper()
    keyword = keyword.upper()
    plain_num = ord(plain) - ord('A')
    keyword_num = ord(keyword) - ord('A')
    return chr(ord('A') + (plain_num + keyword_num) % 26)

Now that combine_characters is tested, I thought we'd be ready to implement our encode function. However, the first thing we want inside that function is a repeating version of the keyword string that is as long as the plaintext. Let's implement a function for that first. Oops, I mean let's implement the test first!

def test_extend_keyword():
    cipher = VigenereCipher("TRAIN")
    extended = cipher.extend_keyword(16)
    assert extended == "TRAINTRAINTRAINT"

Before writing this test, I expected to write extend_keyword as a standalone function that accepted a keyword and an integer. But as I started drafting the test, I realized it made more sense to use it as a helper method on the VigenereCipher class. This shows how test-driven development can help design more sensible APIs. Here's the method implementation:

    def extend_keyword(self, number):
        repeats = number // len(self.keyword) + 1
        return (self.keyword * repeats)[:number]

Once again, this took a few runs of the test to get right. I ended up adding a second versions of the test, one with fifteen and one with sixteen letters, to make sure it works if the integer division has an even number.

Now we're finally ready to write our encode method:

    def encode(self, plaintext):
        cipher = []
        keyword = self.extend_keyword(len(plaintext))
        for p,k in zip(plaintext, keyword):
        return "".join(cipher)

That looks correct. Our test suite should pass now, right?

Actually, if we run it, we'll find that two tests are still failing. We totally forgot about the spaces and lowercase characters! It is a good thing we wrote those tests to remind us. We'll have to add this line at the beginning of the method:

        plaintext = plaintext.replace(" ", "").upper()


If we have an idea about a corner case in the middle of implementing something, we can create a test describing that idea. We don't even have to implement the test; we can just run assert False to remind us to implement it later. The failing test will never let us forget the corner case and it can't be ignored like filing a task can. If it takes a while to get around to fixing the implementation, we can mark the test as an expected failure.

Now all the tests pass successfully. This chapter is pretty long, so we'll condense the examples for decoding. Here are a couple tests:

def test_separate_character():
    assert separate_character("X", "T") == "E"
    assert separate_character("E", "R") == "N"

def test_decode():
    cipher = VigenereCipher("TRAIN")
    decoded = cipher.decode("XECWQXUIVCRKHWA")
    assert decoded == "ENCODEDINPYTHON"

Here's the separate_character function:

def separate_character(cypher, keyword):
    cypher = cypher.upper()
    keyword = keyword.upper()
    cypher_num = ord(cypher) - ord('A')
    keyword_num = ord(keyword) - ord('A')
    return chr(ord('A') + (cypher_num - keyword_num) % 26)

And the decode method:

    def decode(self, ciphertext):
        plain = []
        keyword = self.extend_keyword(len(ciphertext))
        for p,k in zip(ciphertext, keyword):
        return "".join(plain)

These methods have a lot of similarity to those used for encoding. The great thing about having all these tests written and passing is that we can now go back and modify our code, knowing it is still safely passing the tests. For example, if we replace our existing encode and decode methods with these refactored methods, our tests still pass:

    def _code(self, text, combine_func):
        text = text.replace(" ", "").upper()
        combined = []
        keyword = self.extend_keyword(len(text))
        for p,k in zip(text, keyword):
        return "".join(combined)

    def encode(self, plaintext):
        return self._code(plaintext, combine_character)

    def decode(self, ciphertext):
        return self._code(ciphertext, separate_character)

This is the final benefit of test-driven development, and the most important. Once the tests are written, we can improve our code as much as we like and be confident that our changes didn't break anything we have been testing for. Furthermore, we know exactly when our refactor is finished: when the tests all pass.

Of course, our tests may not comprehensively test everything we need them to; maintenance or code refactoring can still cause undiagnosed bugs that don't show up in testing. Automated tests are not foolproof. If bugs do occur, however, it is still possible to follow a test-driven plan; step one is to write a test (or multiple tests) that duplicates or "proves" that the bug in question is occurring. This will, of course, fail. Then write the code to make the tests stop failing. If the tests were comprehensive, the bug will be fixed, and we will know if it ever happens again, as soon as we run the test suite.

Finally, we can try to determine how well our tests operate on this code. With the py.test coverage plugin installed, py.test –coverage-report=report tells us that our test suite has 100 percent code coverage. This is a great statistic, but we shouldn't get too cocky about it. Our code hasn't been tested when encoding messages that have numbers, and its behavior with such inputs is thus undefined.


Practice test-driven development. That is your first exercise. It's easier to do this if you're starting a new project, but if you have existing code you need to work on, you can start by writing tests for each new feature you implement. This can become frustrating as you become more enamored with automated tests. The old, untested code will start to feel rigid and tightly coupled, and will become uncomfortable to maintain; you'll start feeling like changes you make are breaking the code and you have no way of knowing, for lack of tests. But if you start small, adding tests will improve, the codebase improves over time.

So to get your feet wet with test-driven development, start a fresh project. Once you've started to appreciate the benefits (you will) and realize that the time spent writing tests is quickly regained in terms of more maintainable code, you'll want to start writing tests for existing code. This is when you should start doing it, not before. Writing tests for code that we "know" works is boring. It is hard to get interested in the project until you realize just how broken the code we thought was working really is.

Try writing the same set of tests using both the built-in unittest module and py.test. Which do you prefer? unittest is more similar to test frameworks in other languages, while py.test is arguably more Pythonic. Both allow us to write object-oriented tests and to test object-oriented programs with ease.

We used py.test in our case study, but we didn't touch on any features that wouldn't have been easily testable using unittest. Try adapting the tests to use test skipping or funcargs. Try the various setup and teardown methods, and compare their use to funcargs. Which feels more natural to you?

In our case study, we have a lot of tests that use a similar VigenereCipher object; try reworking this code to use a funcarg. How many lines of code does it save?

Try running a coverage report on the tests you've written. Did you miss testing any lines of code? Even if you have 100 percent coverage, have you tested all the possible inputs? If you're doing test-driven development, 100 percent coverage should follow quite naturally, as you will write a test before the code that satisfies that test. However, if writing tests for existing code, it is more likely that there will be edge conditions that go untested.

Think carefully about the values that are somehow different: empty lists when you expect full ones, zero or one or infinity compared to intermediate integers, floats that don't round to an exact decimal place, strings when you expected numerals, or the ubiquitous None value when you expected something meaningful. If your tests cover such edge cases, your code will be in good shape.


We have finally covered the most important topic in Python programming: automated testing. Test-driven development is considered a best practice. The standard library unittest module provides a great out-of-the-box solution for testing, while the py.test framework has some more Pythonic syntaxes. Mocks can be used to emulate complex classes in our tests. Code coverage gives us an estimate of how much of our code is being run by our tests, but it does not tell us that we have tested the right things.

In the next chapter, we'll jump into a completely different topic: concurrency.