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Rust Programming By Example

By : Gomez, Antoni Boucher
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Rust Programming By Example

By: Gomez, Antoni Boucher

Overview of this book

Rust is an open source, safe, concurrent, practical language created by Mozilla. It runs blazingly fast, prevents segfaults, and guarantees safety. This book gets you started with essential software development by guiding you through the different aspects of Rust programming. With this approach, you can bridge the gap between learning and implementing immediately. Beginning with an introduction to Rust, you’ll learn the basic aspects such as its syntax, data types, functions, generics, control flows, and more. After this, you’ll jump straight into building your first project, a Tetris game. Next you’ll build a graphical music player and work with fast, reliable networking software using Tokio, the scalable and productive asynchronous IO Rust library. Over the course of this book, you’ll explore various features of Rust Programming including its SDL features, event loop, File I/O, and the famous GTK+ widget toolkit. Through these projects, you’ll see how well Rust performs in terms of concurrency—including parallelism, reliability, improved performance, generics, macros, and thread safety. We’ll also cover some asynchronous and reactive programming aspects of Rust. By the end of the book, you’ll be comfortable building various real-world applications in Rust.
Table of Contents (13 chapters)
Events and Basic Game Mechanisms


We can add methods on custom types. Let's write a method to compute the distance of a point to the origin:

impl Point {
    fn dist_from_origin(&self) -> f64 {
        let sum_of_squares = self.x.pow(2) + self.y.pow(2);
        (sum_of_squares as f64).sqrt()

There are a lot of new syntaxes here (impl Point, as, and .method()), so let's explain all of them. First of all, methods of a type are declared within the impl Type {} construct. This method takes a special parameter: &self. This parameter is the instance the method is called on, like this in other programming languages. The & operator before self means that the instance is passed by immutable reference. As we can see, it is possible to call methods on basic types in Rust—self.x.pow(2) computes the power of two of the x field. We can find this method, and many others, in the documentation, at . In the last expression of the method, we cast the sum_of_squares integer to f64 before computing its square root, because the sqrt() method is defined only on floating points.

Let's create a method that will update the fields of the structure:

impl Point {
    fn translate(&mut self, dx: i32, dy: i32) {
        self.x += dx;
        self.y += dy;

The difference with the previous method is that self is now a mutable reference, &mut.


Rust does not provide constructors, but a common idiom is to create a new() static method, also called an associated function:

impl Point {
    fn new(x: i32, y: i32) -> Self {
        Self { x: x, y: y }

The difference with a normal method is that it does not take &self (or one of its variations) as a parameter.

Self is the type of the self value; we could have used Point instead of Self.

When the field name is the same as the value assigned, it is possible to omit the value, as a shorthand:

fn new(x: i32, y: i32) -> Self {
    Self { x, y }

When we create an instance of Point with the call to its constructor (let point = Point::new();), this will allocate the value on the stack.

We can provide multiple constructors:

impl Point {
    fn origin() -> Self {
        Point { x: 0, y: 0 }