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Architecting Modern Java EE Applications

By : Daschner
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Architecting Modern Java EE Applications

By: Daschner

Overview of this book

Java EE 8 brings with it a load of features, mainly targeting newer architectures such as microservices, modernized security APIs, and cloud deployments. This book will teach you to design and develop modern, business-oriented applications using Java EE 8. It shows how to structure systems and applications, and how design patterns and Domain Driven Design aspects are realized in the age of Java EE 8. You will learn about the concepts and principles behind Java EE applications, and how to effect communication, persistence, technical and cross-cutting concerns, and asynchronous behavior. This book covers Continuous Delivery, DevOps, infrastructure-as-code, containers, container orchestration technologies, such as Docker and Kubernetes, and why and especially how Java EE fits into this world. It also covers the requirements behind containerized, zero-dependency applications and how modern Java EE application servers support these approaches. You will also learn about automated, fast, and reliable software tests, in different test levels, scopes, and test technologies. This book covers the prerequisites and challenges of distributed systems that lead to microservice, shared-nothing architectures. The challenges and solutions of consistency versus scalability will further lead us to event sourcing, event-driven architectures, and the CQRS principle. This book also includes the nuts and bolts of application performance as well as how to realize resilience, logging, monitoring and tracing in a modern enterprise world. Last but not least the demands of securing enterprise systems are covered. By the end, you will understand the ins and outs of Java EE so that you can make critical design decisions that not only live up to, but also surpass your clients' expectations.
Table of Contents (22 chapters)
Title Page
About the Author
About the Reviewer
Customer Feedback
Appendix: Links and further resources

External and cross-cutting concerns in enterprise applications

Now we have seen the concepts and implementations necessary to realize domain logic in our application. In theory it's already sufficient to implement standalone business logic; however, the use cases won't provide much value to the customer if they can't be accessed from outside of the system.

Therefore, let's have a look at technically motivated external and cross-cutting concerns. These are functionalities that are not at the core of the business domain, but that need to be fulfilled as well. Examples for technically motivated concerns are accessing external systems or databases, configuring the application, or caching.

Communication with external systems

Communicating to the outside world is one of the most important technical aspects of an enterprise application. Without that communication, the application will hardly bring any value to the customer.

How to choose communication technology

When enterprise systems require communication...