How to parse JSON data from network to data class
JSON is one of the most widely used formats of response. Usually, the APIs provide outputs in the form of JSON response and in Android development also they are used widely as we communicate with network. Parsing JSON response to a data class helps us work with them as a Java object. You can also parse it using JSONObject, but it results in dirty code. In this recipe, we will learn how to parse JSON data into data class. We are using data class because they are preferred when the sole purpose of class is to save data. So let's get started!
Getting ready
We will be using Android Studio 3.0; ensure that you have its latest version. We will be using the GSON library, an open source library by Google for parsing the JSON response. GSON is very easy to use and is one of the most popular JSON parsing libraries out there. To include GSON in your project, just add the following lines to your build.gradle
compile '