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Learn Qt 5

By : Nicholas Sherriff
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Learn Qt 5

By: Nicholas Sherriff

Overview of this book

Qt is a mature and powerful framework for delivering sophisticated applications across a multitude of platforms. It has a rich history in the Linux world, is widely used in embedded devices, and has made great strides in the Mobile arena over the past few years. However, in the Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS X worlds, the dominance of C#/.NET and Objective-C/Cocoa means that Qt is often overlooked. This book demonstrates the power and flexibility of the Qt framework for desktop application development and shows how you can write your application once and deploy it to multiple operating systems. Build a complete real-world line of business (LOB) solution from scratch, with distinct C++ library, QML user interface, and QtTest-driven unit-test projects. This is a suite of essential techniques that cover the core requirements for most LOB applications and will empower you to progress from a blank page to shipped application.
Table of Contents (11 chapters)


We have a flexible, decoupled navigation mechanism in place and are successfully transitioning between different views. We have the basics of a navigation bar in place and a working content pane as designed at the beginning of the chapter.

Having the UI call the business logic layer to emit a signal that the UI then reacts to may seem like a bit of a roundabout way of navigating between views, but this business logic signal/UI slot design brings benefits. It keeps the UI modular as the views don't need to know about each other. It keeps the logic for navigation in the business logic layer and enables that layer to request that the UI navigate the user to a particular view without needing to know anything about the UI or the view itself. Crucially, it also gives us intercept points so that when the user requests navigation to a given view, we can handle it and perform...