- What does Rc stand for?
Rc stands for Reference Counted.
- What does Arc stand for?
Arc stands for Atomically Reference Counted.
- What is a weak reference?
A weak reference is a reference that is not reference counted or otherwise managed.
- Which superpowers are enabled in unsafe blocks?
In an unsafe block, you can dereference a raw pointer, call an unsafe function or method, access or modify a mutable static variable, or implement and unsafe trait.
- When will an object be dropped?
An object will be dropped when its owner is dropped or goes out of scope.
- What is the difference between lifetimes and ownership?
Lifetimes are a compile-time check. Ownership is a compile-time as well as runtime concept. Both concepts describe the tracking of variables, values, and whether and who uses them.
- How can you be sure that a function is...