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Mastering ABP Framework

By : Halil İbrahim Kalkan
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Mastering ABP Framework

By: Halil İbrahim Kalkan

Overview of this book

ABP Framework is a complete infrastructure for creating modern web applications by following software development best practices and conventions. With ABP's high-level framework and ecosystem, you can implement the Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle and focus on your business code. Written by the creator of ABP Framework, this book will help you to gain a complete understanding of the framework and modern web application development techniques. With step-by-step explanations of essential concepts and practical examples, you'll understand the requirements of a modern web solution and how ABP Framework makes it enjoyable to develop your own solutions. You'll discover the common requirements of enterprise web application development and explore the infrastructure provided by ABP. Throughout the book, you’ll get to grips with software development best practices for building maintainable and modular web solutions. By the end of this book, you'll be able to create a complete web solution that is easy to develop, maintain, and test.
Table of Contents (24 chapters)
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Fundamentals of ABP Framework
Part 3: Implementing Domain–Driven Design
Part 4: User Interface and API Development
Part 5: Miscellaneous

Configuring an application

ASP.NET Core's configuration system provides a convenient way to read key-value-based configurations for applications. It is an extensible system and can read key-value pairs from various resources, such as JSON settings files, environment variables, command-line arguments, and Azure Key Vault.

ABP Framework versus ASP.NET Core's Configuration System

ABP Framework doesn't add a specific feature to ASP.NET Core's configuration system. However, it is essential to understand it to work with ASP.NET Core and ABP Framework properly. I will cover the basics in this book. Please see ASP.NET Core's documentation for a complete reference:

Setting the configuration values

The easiest way to set a configuration value is to use the appsettings.json file by default. Assume that we are building a service to send SMS using Azure, and we need the following configuration...