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Kotlin Design Patterns and Best Practices - Second Edition

By : Alexey Soshin
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Kotlin Design Patterns and Best Practices - Second Edition

By: Alexey Soshin

Overview of this book

This book shows you how easy it can be to implement traditional design patterns in the modern multi-paradigm Kotlin programming language, and takes you through the new patterns and paradigms that have emerged. This second edition is updated to cover the changes introduced from Kotlin 1.2 up to 1.5 and focuses more on the idiomatic usage of coroutines, which have become a stable language feature. You'll begin by learning about the practical aspects of smarter coding in Kotlin, as well as understanding basic Kotlin syntax and the impact of design patterns on your code. The book also provides an in-depth explanation of the classical design patterns, such as Creational, Structural, and Behavioral families, before moving on to functional programming. You'll go through reactive and concurrent patterns, and finally, get to grips with coroutines and structured concurrency to write performant, extensible, and maintainable code. By the end of this Kotlin book, you'll have explored the latest trends in architecture and design patterns for microservices. You’ll also understand the tradeoffs when choosing between different architectures and make informed decisions.
Table of Contents (17 chapters)
Section 1: Classical Patterns
Section 2: Reactive and Concurrent Patterns
Section 3: Practical Application of Design Patterns

Understanding types

Previously, we said that Kotlin is a type-safe language. Let's examine the Kotlin type system and compare it to what Java provides.

Important Note:

The Java examples are for familiarity and not to prove that Kotlin is superior to Java in any way.

Basic types

Some languages make a distinction between primitive types and objects. Taking Java as an example, there is the int type and Integer – the former being more memory-efficient and the latter more expressive by supporting a lack of value and having methods.

There is no such distinction in Kotlin. From a developer's perspective, all the types are the same.

But it doesn't mean that Kotlin is less efficient than Java in that aspect. The Kotlin compiler optimizes types. So, you don't need to worry about it much.

Most of the Kotlin types are named similarly to Java, the exceptions being Java's Integer being called Int and Java's void being called Unit.

It doesn't make much sense to list all the types, but here are some examples:

Table 1.1 - Kotlin types

Table 1.1 - Kotlin types

Type inference

Let's declare our first Kotlin variable by extracting the string from our Hello Kotlin example:

var greeting = "Hello Kotlin"

Note that nowhere in our code is it stated that greeting is of the String type. Instead, the compiler decides what type of variable should be used. Unlike interpreted languages, such as JavaScript, Python, or Ruby, the type of variable is defined only once.

In Kotlin, this will produce an error:

var greeting = "Hello Kotlin"
greeting = 1 // <- Greeting is a String

If you'd like to define the type of variable explicitly, you may use the following notation:

var greeting: String = "Hello Kotlin"


In Java, variables can be declared final. Final variables can be assigned only once and their reference is effectively immutable:

final String s = "Hi";
s = "Bye"; // Doesn't work

Kotlin urges us to use immutable data as much as possible. Immutable variables in Kotlin are called values and use the val keyword:

val greeting = "Hi"
greeting = "Bye"// Doesn't work, "Val cannot be reassigned"

Values are preferable over variables. Immutable data is easier to reason about, especially when writing concurrent code. We'll touch more on that in Chapter 5, Introducing Functional Programming.

Comparison and equality

We were taught very early in Java that comparing objects using == won't produce the expected results, since it tests for reference equality – whether two pointers are the same, and not whether two objects are equal.

Instead, in Java, we use equals() for objects and == to compare only primitives, which may cause some confusion.

JVM does integer caching and string interning to prevent that in some basic cases, so for the sake of the example, we'll use a large integer:

Integer a = 1000;
Integer b = 1000;
System.out.println(a == b);      // false
System.out.println(a.equals(b)); // true

This behavior is far from intuitive. Instead, Kotlin translates == to equals():

val a = 1000
val b = 1000
println(a == b)      // true
println(a.equals(b)) // true

If you do want to check for reference equality, use ===. This won't work for some of the basic types, though:

println(a === b) // Still true

We'll discuss referential equality more when we learn how to instantiate classes.

Declaring functions

In Java, every method must be wrapped by a class or interface, even if it doesn't rely on any information from it. You're probably familiar with many Util classes in Java that only have static methods, and their only purpose is to satisfy the language requirements and bundle those methods together.

We already mentioned earlier that in Kotlin, a function can be declared outside of a class. We've seen it with the main() function. The keyword to declare a function is fun. The argument type comes after the argument name, and not before:

fun greet(greeting: String) {

If you need to return a result, its type will come after the function declaration:

fun getGreeting(): String { 
    return "Hello, Kotlin!"

You can try this out yourself:

fun main() {

If the function doesn't return anything, the return type can be omitted completely. There's no need to declare it as void, or its Kotlin counterpart, Unit.

When a function is very short and consists of just a single expression, such as our getGreeting() function, we can remove the return type and the curly brackets, and use a shorter notation:

fun getGreeting() = "Hello, Kotlin!"

Here, the Kotlin compiler will infer that we're returning a String type.

Unlike some scripting languages, the order in which functions are declared is not important. Your main function will have access to all the other functions in its scope, even if those are declared after it in the code file.

There are many other topics regarding function declarations, such as named arguments, default parameters, and variable numbers of arguments. We'll introduce them in the following chapters with relevant examples.

Important Note:

Many examples in this book assume that the code we provide is wrapped in the main function. If you don't see a signature of the function, it probably should be part of the main function. As an alternative, you can also run the examples in an IntelliJ scratch file.