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gRPC Go for Professionals

By : Clément Jean
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gRPC Go for Professionals

By: Clément Jean

Overview of this book

In recent years, the popularity of microservice architecture has surged, bringing forth a new set of requirements. Among these, efficient communication between the different services takes center stage, and that's where gRPC shines. This book will take you through creating gRPC servers and clients in an efficient, secure, and scalable way. However, communication is just one aspect of microservices, so this book goes beyond that to show you how to deploy your application on Kubernetes and configure other tools that are needed for making your application more resilient. With these tools at your disposal, you’ll be ready to get started with using gRPC in a microservice architecture. In gRPC Go for Professionals, you'll explore core concepts such as message transmission and the role of Protobuf in serialization and deserialization. Through a step-by-step implementation of a TODO list API, you’ll see the different features of gRPC in action. You’ll then learn different approaches for testing your services and debugging your API endpoints. Finally, you’ll get to grips with deploying the application services via Docker images and Kubernetes.
Table of Contents (13 chapters)


As we reach the end of this book on building gRPC microservices in Golang, I hope you have found gRPC Go interesting and useful, and that you are willing to try it on your next project. This book is the book I wish I had when I started learning this awesome technology and I hope this helped you in any way.

Throughout this book, we both explored some elements of theory and some practical implementations of gRPC services. From learning the networking concepts to the pure implementation and tool that we can use, passing by learning useful considerations when designing an API, you learned the most important skills that you will need for your career as backend engineer.

To conclude this book, I would like to invite you to stay up to date with all the topics related to gRPC and Protobuf. You can do that by following GitHub Topics, read some blog post or simply getting involved in some open source project. This is a fascinating area of backend engineering that needs more attention...