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Jakarta EE Cookbook - Second Edition

By : Elder Moraes
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Jakarta EE Cookbook - Second Edition

By: Elder Moraes

Overview of this book

Jakarta EE is widely used around the world for developing enterprise applications for a variety of domains. With this book, Java professionals will be able to enhance their skills to deliver powerful enterprise solutions using practical recipes. This second edition of the Jakarta EE Cookbook takes you through the improvements introduced in its latest version and helps you get hands-on with its significant APIs and features used for server-side development. You'll use Jakarta EE for creating RESTful web services and web applications with the JAX-RS, JSON-P, and JSON-B APIs and learn how you can improve the security of your enterprise solutions. Not only will you learn how to use the most important servers on the market, but you'll also learn to make the best of what they have to offer for your project. From an architectural point of view, this Jakarta book covers microservices, cloud computing, and containers. It allows you to explore all the tools for building reactive applications using Jakarta EE and core Java features such as lambdas. Finally, you'll discover how professionals can improve their projects by engaging with and contributing to the community. By the end of this book, you'll have become proficient in developing and deploying enterprise applications using Jakarta EE.
Table of Contents (14 chapters)

Running your first JSF 2.3 code

Jakarta Server Faces (JSF) is the Java technology made to simplify the process of building UIs.

With JSF, you can build components and use (or reuse) them in the UI in an extensible way. You can also use other powerful APIs, such as Jakarta CDI and Jakarta Bean Validation, to improve your application and its architecture.

In this recipe, we will use the Validator and Converter interfaces with the new feature introduced by version 2.3, which is the possibility of using them with generic parameters.

Getting ready

We need to add the required dependencies:


How to do it...

We need to perform the following steps to try this recipe:

  1. Let's create a User class as the main object of our recipe:
public class User implements Serializable {

private String name;
private String email;

public User(String name, String email) { = name; = email;

  1. Now, we create a UserBean class to manage our UI:
public class UserBean implements Serializable {

private User user;

public UserBean(){
user = new User("Elder Moraes", "[email protected]");

public void userAction(){
new FacesMessage("Name|Password welformed"));

  1. Now, we implement the Converter interface with a User parameter:
public class UserConverter implements Converter<User> {

public String getAsString(FacesContext fc, UIComponent uic,
User user) {
return user.getName() + "|" + user.getEmail();

public User getAsObject(FacesContext fc, UIComponent uic,
String string) {
return new User(string.substring(0, string.indexOf("|")),
string.substring(string.indexOf("|") + 1));

  1. Now, we implement the Validator interface with a User parameter:
public class UserValidator implements Validator<User> {

public void validate(FacesContext fc, UIComponent uic,
User user)
throws ValidatorException {
throw new ValidatorException(new FacesMessage(null,
"Malformed e-mail"));
  1. And then, we create our UI using all of them:
<h:panelGrid columns="3">
<h:outputLabel value="Name|E-mail:"
<h:inputText id="userNameEmail"
converter="userConverter" validator="userValidator"/>
<h:message for="userNameEmail"/>
<h:commandButton value="Validate"

Don't forget to run it in a Jakarta EE 8 server.

How it works...

From the code in the preceding section, we see that the UserBean class manages the communication between the UI and the server. Once you instantiate the user object, it is available for both of them.

That's why, when you run it, Name | E-mail is already filled (the user object is instantiated when the UserBean class is created by the server).

We associated the userAction() method from the UserBean class with the Validate button of the UI:

<h:commandButton value="Validate" action="#{userBean.userAction()}"/>

You can create other methods in UserBean and do the same to empower your application.

The whole core of our recipe is represented by just a single line in the UI:

<h:inputText id="userNameEmail" value="#{userBean.user}" converter="userConverter" validator="userValidator"/>

So, our two implemented interfaces used here are userConverter and userValidator.

Basically, the UserConverter class (with the getAsString and getAsObject methods) converts an object into/from a string and vice versa, according to the logic defined by you.

We have just mentioned it in the preceding code snippet:


The server uses the userConverter object, calls the getAsString method, and prints the result using the preceding expression language.

Finally, the UserValidator class is automatically called when you submit the form, by calling its validate method, and applying the rules defined by you.

There's more...

You could increase the validators by adding a Jakarta Bean Validation on it and, for example, defining the email property from User with an @Email constraint.

See also

  • You can stay tuned with everything related to JSF at
  • The source code of this recipe is at