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Learn Quantum Computing with Python and IBM Quantum Experience

By : Robert Loredo
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Learn Quantum Computing with Python and IBM Quantum Experience

By: Robert Loredo

Overview of this book

IBM Quantum Experience is a platform that enables developers to learn the basics of quantum computing by allowing them to run experiments on a quantum computing simulator and a real quantum computer. This book will explain the basic principles of quantum mechanics, the principles involved in quantum computing, and the implementation of quantum algorithms and experiments on IBM's quantum processors. You will start working with simple programs that illustrate quantum computing principles and slowly work your way up to more complex programs and algorithms that leverage quantum computing. As you build on your knowledge, you’ll understand the functionality of IBM Quantum Experience and the various resources it offers. Furthermore, you’ll not only learn the differences between the various quantum computers but also the various simulators available. Later, you’ll explore the basics of quantum computing, quantum volume, and a few basic algorithms, all while optimally using the resources available on IBM Quantum Experience. By the end of this book, you'll learn how to build quantum programs on your own and have gained practical quantum computing skills that you can apply to your business.
Table of Contents (21 chapters)
Section 1: Tour of the IBM Quantum Experience (QX)
Section 2: Basics of Quantum Computing
Section 3: Algorithms, Noise, and Other Strange Things in Quantum World
Appendix A: Resources

Chapter 13: Understanding Quantum Algorithms

If you've been reading the news around quantum computing, you would have noticed many articles from various companies, both large and small, all working on different projects related to quantum computing. The reason is largely based on the potential computing power that quantum systems offer when compared to classical systems. The potential to provide speedup or scalability are the two main areas of interest that most companies and research institutes are looking heavily into at the moment.

A good thing to keep in mind is that, at the time of writing this chapter, there are no quantum systems that are capable of solving any real-world problems. Currently, most of the work being done centers on understanding and creating quantum computation algorithms, which are usually focused on smaller toy problems, as they are commonly referred to.

By grasping the intricacies of the various quantum algorithms and learning to apply them to a...