Before you start editing your data, you need to take some time to prepare both your data and ArcGIS Pro. Generally speaking, you should take the time to do the following before you start editing:
- Ensure that all the spatial data that you plan to edit is in the same coordinate system. This avoids errors that can be the result of transformation issues.
- Add and symbolize all layers that you wish to edit to your map. The simpler you can keep the symbology for each layer in the map, the faster it will redraw as you pan and zoom during editing. Also, save the complex symbology for printing. Since ArcGIS Pro supports multiple maps in a single project, you may want to have one map that you can use to edit data and another to include in a layout for printing.
- Simplify your attribute fields so that only those you wish to edit, or that are needed to verify whether the proper features selected, and that you have, are...