In this step, you will open the project that you will be working in and zoom to the location of the street centerlines that you added to the Trippville_GIS geodatabase in Exercise 8A ofChapter 8, Learning to Edit Spatial Data:
- Open ArcGIS Pro and the Ex9A project that you had used in Exercise 9A and Exercise 9B.
- On the Map tab in the ribbon, click on the Bookmarks button and select New Subdivision 1 from the list that appears. This should zoom your map back to a familiar location from Exercise 8A in Chapter 8, Learning to Edit Spatial Data.
- On the Contents pane, click on the List by Editing button. Then right-click on the Street_Centerlines layer and select Make this the only editable layer from the menu that appears, as shown in the following screenshot:
- Next, click on the List by Selection button...