Filtering columns with time data
The last section showed how to filter data that has a DatetimeIndex
. Often, you will have columns with dates in them, and it does not make sense to have that column be the index. In this section, we will reproduce the slicing of the preceding section with columns. Sadly, the slicing constructs do not work on columns, so we will have to take a different tack.
How to do it…
- Read in the Denver crimes dataset from the hdf5 file
and inspect the column types:>>> crime = pd.read_hdf('data/crime.h5', 'crime') >>> crime.dtypes OFFENSE_TYPE_ID category OFFENSE_CATEGORY_ID category REPORTED_DATE datetime64[ns] GEO_LON float64 GEO_LAT float64 NEIGHBORHOOD_ID category IS_CRIME int64 IS_TRAFFIC int64 dtype: object
- Select all the rows where...