What you will learn about SAP Business ONE sales in this chapter
The company in my initial example seemed to have all of the required information and a 360-degree customer view, but was unable to translate this into proper action. It is like placing a new Porsche engine into an old Volkswagen. You can't make full use of it if you don't change the procedures to be aligned with the potential. In this chapter, we will focus on establishing a 360-degree view with the proper action plan to turn customer interaction into sales. You will also learn about the sales methodology in SAP as we will go through the following topics:
History of CRM – A brief overview of the reasons behind the development of modern CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems will clarify the importance of an integrated system. We will identify problems related to the traditional best-of-breed approach.
Positioning sales in the company – Identify the areas in your company where sales is influenced. We will look at customer...