Surveying techniques
You can gather traces while going about your normal business, or you can make trips specifically to do surveying for OpenStreetMap. The amount of detail you'll be able to capture on a normal journey will be far lower than during a survey, but there are still some techniques you can use to record as much detail about your surroundings as possible.
The first technique to consider is your mode of transport while mapping. For some types of features, there is only one choice: For a motorway you need to use a vehicle, and for narrow footpaths you'll need to walk.
For everything in between, you need to use some judgment. Many existing mappers have found that for suburban and residential areas, a bicycle is the most efficient way of mapping. It's faster than walking, and cheaper than a car. A bike is also easier to turn around when you reach a dead end, and you can dismount and walk along paths where cycling isn't allowed.
Making your survey comprehensive
To make sure you map an...