OpenStreetMap's REST API
The main OpenStreetMap Application Programming Interface (API) is a web service that provides direct access to the OpenStreetMap database, and for virtually all purposes is the only way of accessing the database directly. All the editors we considered in Chapter 5 use this API to download and upload data.
The version of any feature you get from the main API is always the most up-to-date and is authoritative; that is to say, if there's a conflict between any OpenStreetMap data you have from another source and the API, you should always use the API data. The main API is also currently the only way of programmatically examining any feature's editing history and a particular user's actions, although development work is taking place to make this data more accessible.
Usage policy on the main API
The main OpenStreetMap API is provided to create and maintain the database, rather than to support any applications that use the data. The servers the API runs on are provided...