Chapter 6. JBoss Seam Components
In this chapter, we will explore the JBoss Seam framework and the Seam JSF component library. Seam is one of the most exciting technologies available today for JSF developers. This powerful framework significantly enhances web development on the Java EE platform, and provides a much needed bridge between many important and complementary technologies. In addition to discussing the Seam framework, we will also set the stage for a more in-depth discussion of two other important JBoss technologies covered in the next chapter: the JBoss RichFaces and Ajax4jsf component libraries.
Introducing the JBoss Seam framework
The JBoss Seam framework sets out to bridge the gap between JSF managed beans and EJB3 components. It introduces a flexible set of Java annotations that provide a nice alternative to XML for JSF managed bean configuration and that significantly enhances the Dependency Injection (DI) capabilities of the JSF framework.
Additionally, Seam introduces a...