Introducing JBoss RichFaces and Ajax4jsf
JBoss RichFaces and Ajax4jsf are two of the most advanced JSF component libraries available today. RichFaces includes around 75 rich user interface components that can greatly enhance the visual appeal and interactivity of a Web 2.0 application. Ajax4jsf includes around 25 mostly non-visual tags that provide the Ajax infrastructure on which RichFaces components are based.
The JBoss RichFaces component library
JBoss RichFaces is one of the most advanced JSF component libraries available today. It provides a stunning set of full featured Ajax-enabled UI components to bring new levels of Web 2.0 usability and interactivity to the Java platform.
RichFaces provides rich input components, such as in-place editable text and selection controls, a color chooser control, a calendar control, and a suggestion box that supports autocompletion using Ajax. Additionally, RichFaces includes sophisticated panel and menu components for rendering advanced user interface...