Creating an EJB 3 application
In this section, we create an EJB 3.0 application in JDeveloper. Select New Application.
Specify an Application Name, select the Java EE Web Application template, which consists of a Model project and a ViewController project, and click on Next.
Next, specify the name (EJB3ViewController) for the View and Controller project. In the Project Technologies tab, transfer the EJB project technology from the Available list to the Selected list using the > button. We have selected the EJB project technology, as we shall be creating an EJB 3.0 model. Click on Next.
Select the default Java settings for the View project and click on Next.
Configure the EJB Settings for the View project. Select EJB Version as Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 and select Using Annotations. Click on Next. Next, create the Model project. Specify the Project Name (EJB3Model for example), and in the Project Technologies tab transfer the EJB project technology from the Available list to the Selected list...