Creating a session bean
One of the best practices of developing an entity bean is to wrap it in a session bean for a client to reduce the number of remote calls as we discussed in Chapter 5 The entity bean is not directly accessed by a client. To create a session bean, select the EJB3Model project and select File | New. In the New Gallery window, select Categories:Business Tier | EJB and Items | Session EJB. Click on OK:
Specify the EJB Name as CatalogSessionEJB. Select Session Type as Stateless and Transaction Type as Container. A Stateless session bean does not incur the overhead of keeping the state of a unique client-bean session that a Stateful session bean does. Select the default mapped name (EJB3-JSF-EJB3Model-CatalogSessionEJB). The Generate Session Façade Methods checkbox is selected by default. The Entity implementation is JPA Entities by default. The persistence unit is em. Click on Next.
Select the default JPA Entity Methods to create and click on Next. Specify the Bean Class...